A journey of a thousand miles…is really, really long. Continue reading
You’ll never know what you can do until you nearly die.
Goal setting is an important part of life at which I stink. Therefore, I have determined that my kids will be proficient at it. At least, that’s my goal. Continue reading
When you assume…
I have mentioned before that I’m not what you, or anyone you know, would call “handy.” One of the problems that comes with being less than fully “ept” is that one tends to trust any man with coveralls or a tool belt to automatically know what he is doing. I know I shouldn’t oughta, but I do. Last week I paid an annoying price and learned some valuable lessons. Continue reading
Here we go again….
My daughter is a drama queen…and I mean that in the nicest sense of the word. Continue reading
Every castle needs a throne—and I’m not talking about one with plumbing.
I don’t have a “Man Cave” per se, but I do have a big, comfy Daddy chair. It’s green, just so you know. I didn’t go looking for a big, green chair; I just went looking for a place to relax. Continue reading
I’m not.
Handy, that is.
I’m not the kind of man one calls when one needs help fixing or building. You will never hear it said, “Oh, call Michael. He can help. That guy can fix anything!”
It’s not that I don’t try. I try.
It’s not that I’m inept. I’m ept. Just not ept enough. Continue reading
The buck stops here.
I didn’t make that up, just so you know. When I was a kid, I figured that phrase had to do with making money. I thought, “Woohoo! That’s right—let the buck stop right here, Baby! In fact, make it lots and lots of bucks!”
I have since learned that the phrase has an entirely different—and less pleasant—meaning. Continue reading
O.K., this time there will be no rabbit trails. In my last post, I started to talk about our family’s worship experience, and I got distracted by the issue of sleep.
I love sleep.
Anyway, it is a bit ironic that I got distracted when I was talking about worship. You see, my family always gets distracted when we attempt to worship. Continue reading
What does my family have against sleep, anyway?
One of the many great things about homeschooling is that there is some flexibility in your schedule. The kids don’t have to get dragged out of bed at 0-Dark-Thirty to make it to school on time, so it’s OK to stay up a little later on occasion, and simply sleep in a bit. This is a tremendous blessing for everyone in the house except the guy who does have to get out of bed at 0-Dark-Thirty to get to work on time. Continue reading
She weighed 3lbs. 13ozs. Do you know how small that is? I could hold her whole body in the palm of my hand; she held my whole heart in the palm of hers. Continue reading