Category: Psalm 63

  • Praise and Silence  One-a-Day Tuesday  11/15/16

    Praise and Silence  One-a-Day Tuesday  11/15/16

    But the king will rejoice in God; all who swear by God’s name will praise him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced (Psalm 63:11).

    All will be as it should be.

    God’s people will praise him, and God’s enemies will be silenced.

    It’s gonna happen.

    You don’t need to make it happen

    Or worry that it won’t happen

    Because it’s gonna happen.

    So do your part (that’s the praise bit) and leave the rest to the Lord God Almighty.

    He can handle it.

    Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

  • Security One-a-Day Monday  11/14/16

    Security One-a-Day Monday  11/14/16

    They who seek my life will be destroyed; they will  go down to the depths of the earth (Psalm 63:9).

    OK, so Mafia death squads are probably not after you.

    Or, maybe they are…what do I know?

    Regardless of your position on somebody’s hit list, you can be sure of one thing.

    You do have an Enemy. 

    That enemy is fierce

    and implacable

    and cunning

    and really not very nice at all.

    You also have a Protector, one whose strong hand holds you up, one who shelters you beneath his wings, one who is there when you call out to him in the depths of the night.

    Fear not, Beloved.  Your enemy is vastly outmatched.

    Happy Monday

  • Clingy One-a-Day Thursday  11/10/22

    Clingy One-a-Day Thursday  11/10/22

    My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me (Psalm 63:8).

    You’re on the ice for the first time.  

    Your ankles are all wobbly.

    Your feet will not obey.

    Your legs are made of store-brand gelatin dessert.

    The world spins incorrectly.

    Gravity is not your friend.

    The evil skates shoot out from beneath you

    and you are falling




    Your hand finds another hand




    You grab hold for dear life, sinking terrified nails into willing flesh.

    The hand holds you up, steadies you, guides you forward.

    You will not fall while you cling to the hand that loves you.

    That’s what this is.

    Happy Thursday, Beloved

  • Daddy’s Wings One-a-Day Wednesday  11/9/22

    Daddy’s Wings One-a-Day Wednesday  11/9/22

    Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings(Psalm 63:7).

    When I read this line, I think of penguins.

    I know, right? 



    You know the picture I’m talking about.   You’ve seen it on nature shows.  The baby penguin sits on his daddy’s feet, while Dad tucks his wings and his belly over the kiddo to keep him warm.

    Yeah, that image.  That is why dads have bellies.

    I am aware that David probably never saw a penguin, so this is most likely not the image he was going for.

    It is, however, the image that I take from this Scripture.  Yes, taking Scripture out of context puts one on a slippery theological slope, but I think if David were here, he’d back me 100%.

    And yes, they sing.  How could they not?

    Happy Wednesday, Beloved

  • Through the Night One-a-Day Tuesday 11/8/22  

    Through the Night One-a-Day Tuesday 11/8/22  

    On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night (Psalm 63:6).

    Many moons ago I had a friend named James.  James made it a practice to pray every night before he went to sleep.  Not just a quick, “Thanks, God–Nighty-night” sort of prayer.  He would painstakingly examine the day he had just spent, looking for any way in which he might have disobeyed God and repenting.  Sometimes he would arrive at work exhausted from a night short on sleep and long soul-searching.  While I think there may be a certain legalism mixed up in James’s approach that isn’t altogether healthy, I have always respected and admired his devotion.  He had a desire to connect with God that was, and often still is, lacking in my own life.

    And what of you, Beloved?  What are your thoughts as you drift off to Dreamland?  When you lie awake at night, are you praising your Savior, or are you stressing over your mortgage?

    I think I’m going to go back to bed and practice this verse.

    Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

  • Soul Food One-a-Day Monday 11/7/22

    Soul Food One-a-Day Monday 11/7/22

    My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you (Psalm 63:5).

    My first thought here is that you shouldn’t sing with your mouth full.

    Shows you how spiritual I am.

    You push back from the Thanksgiving table, stuffed to the gills with all the tasty num-numminess you can imagine.  Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, veggies, cranberry fluff, pie…

    It’s just like that, only in a spiritual sense, and without the unpleasant bloated feeling.

    David has feasted on the knowledge of God’s love and the praise of his glory.  He is full with the presence of God.  

    Of course, no matter how stuffed you are on Thanksgiving Day, by the following morning you’re ready to eat again.  The hunger continues.

    As it should.

    Happy Monday, Beloved.  Make it a feast.

  • Sanctuary One-a-Day Tuesday 11/1/22

    Sanctuary One-a-Day Tuesday 11/1/22

    I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory (Psalm 63:2).

    David knew what it was to be in the presence of God.

    Now he won’t settle for anything less.

    You’ve felt it.  The sense that you are in His presence, that the concrete or sand or deep pile carpet or pine needles or tile or fresh cut grass or hardwood floor or squeaky snow beneath your feet has just been transformed.

    Has become holy ground

    Sometimes it makes you weep, sometimes laugh, sometimes stand in utter stillness of body and spirit.

    But always, always, always, you know it is He.

    That’s good stuff.

    David went to the sanctuary to be in the presence of God.

    But now, the sanctuary has come to us.  

    It’s true.  You belong to Jesus, ya?  

    So the Holy Spirit lives within you, ya?

    So you are the temple of God.


    Well, I mean, we are.  It’s not just you. Don’t get carried away.

    But do enjoy it.

    Happy Tuesday, Beloved.