Prophecy One-a-Day Tuesday 6/13/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy…  (1 Corinthians 12:10).

So, this thing happened to me once upon a time many moons ago.

I was meeting with several other people for prayer. Most of the group I knew, but some I did not. As we prayed, I had a strong urge to speak to a woman there–one of the folks I had never met. I apologized for invading her privacy, but told her that there was something I really felt God wanted her to know. I then proceeded to share things I could not possibly know about her–some issues that she was dealing with in her personal life, and how God wanted her to proceed. I wondered how she was going to take this, coming as it did from a total stranger. I figured that at best she would tell me I was a nut job, and at worst she would hit me with a rock.

She began to cry. Through tears and sobs and snot, she said that what I had described about her life was completely accurate. She believed that God was speaking through me.

So do I.

For the record, nothing like that has happened to me before or since. If it had happened to someone else, I would probably chalk it up to a lucky guess or some spot-on observation and insight. You are more than welcome to do so, by the way.

But it didn’t happen to someone else.

It happened to me.

Like I said, this is not a regular thing for me.  I do not claim to have the gift of prophecy. It happened this once, though, and if God chose to speak through me in that instance, I’m sure He chooses to speak though others as well. How strange and amazing that the Lord of Everything should ever choose such weak tools as we for even the simplest of tasks.

And yet, He does.

Because He loves us

Happy Tuesday, Beloved

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