Miracles One-a-Day Monday  6/12/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers…  (1 Corinthians 12:10).

It was a miracle I got to work on time.

It was a miracle that I passed that test.

It was a miracle that the barista got my order right.

Beloved, the word miracle is overused today, and that’s a problem.

When we are flippant with the word miracle, it is akin to taking the Lord’s name in vain. I mean, a true miracle happens when God decides to bypass the laws of nature–which He created and put in place–to bring about His will. Things that cannot possibly happen…happen.

The sun stands still in the sky

A child’s lunch feeds thousands

Broken bodies are made whole

The blind see

The dead live again

The fact that God occasionally works miracles through people is a sign of His grace to us. 

So does the gift of miraculous powers still exist today?

Excellent question, Beloved.

Historically, miracles seem to have been God’s way of validating His messengers. Moses, the Prophets, the Apostles–all performed miracles in God’s name as a way of demonstrating that they indeed spoke for God. Jesus performed miracles, in part, to show that He was the long awaited Messiah. The early church saw many miracles, and these miracles served as proof that they were the children of God.

But today?

Beloved, I have never seen what I would call a Bible-level miracle, but I am not going to say that because I haven’t seen them, they do not occur. That would involve a level of foolishness and self-centeredness that even I do not reach. God is still at work in His people and in His world. Each sunrise, each breath, is a sort of miracle. Each time a soul chooses to turn from sin and self and embrace the Lord of the Universe–that is a miracle. So let us pray for miracles today, and keep our eyes open to see God’s hand at work.

But no, getting a good parking space does not count.

Happy Monday, Beloved


Miracles One-a-Day Monday  6/12/23 — 1 Comment

  1. Such great wisdom in those words. Flippant….perfect words! Like saying I love something? Wow…that sure loses the power tOf that word….For God “so loved” the world…kinda makes it seem so trifle. Thanks for sharing Michael.

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