Tongues One-a-Day Thursday 6/15/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues  (1 Corinthians 12:10).

I’m about to annoy some of you.

Won’t be the first time…or the last.

You see, some of you are convinced that when Paul says “tongues,” he’s referring to spoken human languages–like what happened in Acts 2. Others look at what Paul is going to talk about just two chapters from now, in 1 Corinthians 14. You read that and decide that Paul is speaking of a “prayer language,” a language spoken only by you and God.

Here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter.

I mean, it’s an interesting conversation, and one we’ll have when we get to Ch. 14, but it’s not really pertinent here. Paul’s point here seems to be that God gives to some people the gift of speaking in a language that they have not learned, and to others He gives the gift of interpreting such languages so that the Body can be edified.

So that the Body can be edified.

Beloved, if you have a present sitting wrapped on the table, by all means open it and use it. But a spiritual gift is  kind of like getting a defibrillator for your birthday. It’s your gift, sure, but it’s not really for you. In fact, trying to use it for yourself would be…awkward.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

Whose Spirit? One-a-Day Wednesday 6/14/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits…  (1 Corinthians 12:10).

I am rich. I look at the stacks of $100 bills in front of me and I can’t believe my good fortune. To have stumbled upon such a treasure is unimaginable, and yet here it is! Surely God has blessed me.

Then along comes Mr. Treasury Man, who examines the bills and shows me nine different ways that they are bogus. I am crestfallen, yet relieved, because if I had quit my job and built my life around that money, only to find that it is counterfeit…

It’s kinda like that, Beloved.

Happy Wednesday

Prophecy One-a-Day Tuesday 6/13/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy…  (1 Corinthians 12:10).

So, this thing happened to me once upon a time many moons ago.

I was meeting with several other people for prayer. Most of the group I knew, but some I did not. As we prayed, I had a strong urge to speak to a woman there–one of the folks I had never met. I apologized for invading her privacy, but told her that there was something I really felt God wanted her to know. I then proceeded to share things I could not possibly know about her–some issues that she was dealing with in her personal life, and how God wanted her to proceed. I wondered how she was going to take this, coming as it did from a total stranger. I figured that at best she would tell me I was a nut job, and at worst she would hit me with a rock.

She began to cry. Through tears and sobs and snot, she said that what I had described about her life was completely accurate. She believed that God was speaking through me.

So do I.

For the record, nothing like that has happened to me before or since. If it had happened to someone else, I would probably chalk it up to a lucky guess or some spot-on observation and insight. You are more than welcome to do so, by the way.

But it didn’t happen to someone else.

It happened to me.

Like I said, this is not a regular thing for me.  I do not claim to have the gift of prophecy. It happened this once, though, and if God chose to speak through me in that instance, I’m sure He chooses to speak though others as well. How strange and amazing that the Lord of Everything should ever choose such weak tools as we for even the simplest of tasks.

And yet, He does.

Because He loves us

Happy Tuesday, Beloved

Miracles One-a-Day Monday  6/12/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers…  (1 Corinthians 12:10).

It was a miracle I got to work on time.

It was a miracle that I passed that test.

It was a miracle that the barista got my order right.

Beloved, the word miracle is overused today, and that’s a problem.

When we are flippant with the word miracle, it is akin to taking the Lord’s name in vain. I mean, a true miracle happens when God decides to bypass the laws of nature–which He created and put in place–to bring about His will. Things that cannot possibly happen…happen.

The sun stands still in the sky

A child’s lunch feeds thousands

Broken bodies are made whole

The blind see

The dead live again

The fact that God occasionally works miracles through people is a sign of His grace to us. 

So does the gift of miraculous powers still exist today?

Excellent question, Beloved.

Historically, miracles seem to have been God’s way of validating His messengers. Moses, the Prophets, the Apostles–all performed miracles in God’s name as a way of demonstrating that they indeed spoke for God. Jesus performed miracles, in part, to show that He was the long awaited Messiah. The early church saw many miracles, and these miracles served as proof that they were the children of God.

But today?

Beloved, I have never seen what I would call a Bible-level miracle, but I am not going to say that because I haven’t seen them, they do not occur. That would involve a level of foolishness and self-centeredness that even I do not reach. God is still at work in His people and in His world. Each sunrise, each breath, is a sort of miracle. Each time a soul chooses to turn from sin and self and embrace the Lord of the Universe–that is a miracle. So let us pray for miracles today, and keep our eyes open to see God’s hand at work.

But no, getting a good parking space does not count.

Happy Monday, Beloved

Healing One-a-Day Friday 6/9/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit…  (1 Corinthians 12:9).

This is the gift my wife has always wanted.

She would love to be able to lay hands on people and heal them, as Jesus and his followers did in the Gospels and in Acts.

Frankly, I wouldn’t mind it too much myself.

Beloved, it is at this point that the gifts Paul is listing shift into the truly miraculous. Knowledge and wisdom and faith are things all of us can possess, but God blesses some with an extraordinary measure. Now we have moved into new realms. I mean, it’s not like I can say, “Well, I can heal the occasional broken bone, but Jim? He regrew that girl’s arm!” Healing, of the type Paul is talking about, is not something you see these days. How come?

Well, there are all kinds of answers to that, and we’ll get into it more over the next few days. For the moment, may I suggest that healing is but one of many gifts of the Spirit, and but one way to serve Him. Some people need healing; others need food, or clothing, or comfort, or understanding, or compassion. So far as I can tell, I don’t have the gift of healing, but that doesn’t stop me from serving God in the ways that I can. Eagerly desire the greater gifts, Beloved–but in the meantime do what you can do.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Faith One-a-Day Thursday 6/8/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit…  (1 Corinthians 12:9).


the substance of things hoped for

the evidence of things unseen

That’s how the author of Hebrews saw it.

We believe that which we cannot prove.

We trust when we cannot verify.

Beloved, we all have faith, or we wouldn’t be followers of Christ. But Paul puts this in the list of spiritual gifts, given to some but not all. So, he must be talking about something more here. I think Paul’s talking about that extra measure of faith that lets people go for the impossible, to see the finished building before the first brick is laid. You know someone like that–or maybe you are someone like that. These people blow past the naysayers–inside the Church and out–and accomplish massive things for the Kingdom of God. They hold on to the promises of God like…well, like they were true. That is a gift, indeed.

I would add a caveat here, Beloved. There is danger with this gift. The danger lies in holding on to promises that God never made, or at least never made to you.  You know someone like that, too. Or maybe…

So perhaps Captain Faith needs to hang out with Mr. Wisdom, just to keep things on an even keel. The gifts of the Spirit, working together, reinforcing each other

like a team

or a family

or a body

Happy Thursday, Beloved

Wisdom and Knowledge One-a-Day Wednesday 6/7/23

A life worthy

To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit… (1 Corinthians 12:8).

Knowledge is awareness of the facts.

Wisdom is using those facts to build up the body and glorify God.

Knowledge is seeing that the pan is  hot.

Wisdom is waiting for it to cool before I grab it.

Knowledge is learning all my lines.

Wisdom is making the character believable.

Knowledge is memorizing the DMV manual.

Wisdom is letting the other guy merge even though I have the right-of-way because it’s not worth getting into an accident or road rage incident over.

Knowledge is being able to explain the Word of God.

Wisdom is being able to use it.

Knowledge without wisdom is at best useless, and at worst dangerous.

Wisdom without knowledge…doesn’t exist.

Both are gifts of the Most High God.

Beloved, everyone can learn, and everyone can apply that knowledge. To that extent, everyone can have knowledge and wisdom. The fact that Paul lists them here means that to some God has given an extra measure, to be used for His church. Is one of these your spiritual gift? 

I don’t know, but I have a suggestion. 

Walk in the wisdom and the knowledge you have, using your mind and your life experience and your common sense for Him, and see what He does with it.

You might be surprised.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

Manifestation of the Spirit One-a-Day Tuesday 6/6/23

A life worthy

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:7).   

So, before we get into the whole spiritual gifts thing, there’s two items in this little verse we need to let sink deeply into our thick heads.

First, these gifts are, in fact, manifestations of the Holy Spirit. They are God working in you, and through you.

That is huge.

God is not Santa. He does not drop off a gift, grab some milk and cookies, and then zoom off into the night on his sleigh. He is here to stay. He chooses to express Himself through your unique personality, which of course He designed. God has come to work, and He brought His own tools.

The second thing to remember is that these gifts, these manifestations of the Holy Spirit, are not simply for your enjoyment.  Yes, it is satisfying to use your gifts, to do what you have been called to do. But that is a byproduct.  God has given you gifts that you might build up the Body of Christ. If your gifts bring you joy, or fulfillment, or even material success, spiffy. Praise God for the grace He has shown you. But do not forget the purpose.

Do not forget your purpose.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved

The Same God One-a-Day Monday  6/5/23

A life worthy

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

The Holy Spirit

The Lord Jesus

Almighty  God

Distinct persons, yet one God


It’s a concept that is pretty impossible for my little brain to get a hold of, but there it is. In a similar way, the people of God are given different gifts:




Distinct persons, yet one Body.

His Church

We are different people, with different gifts. I don’t know what your gift is, but you can be sure of this: the Lord of Everything is working in and through you, even at this moment. Rejoice in that as you head into your day.

Happy Monday, Beloved

The Holy Spirit One-a-Day Friday 6/2/23

A life worthy

Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:3).

He is a real person, the Holy Spirit.

He is fully God, as fully as the Father, as fully as the Son.

If He is at work in a life, the evidence will be there.

If He is not, the evidence will be there.

It is He who reaches deep within to revive your dead heart and give you the desire for God…or even the desire to desire God.

Welcome Him in this morning, and let Him do His work.

Happy Friday, Beloved