One-a-Day Friday 12/18/15

number 1Grieve, mourn, and wail.  Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up (James 4:9-10).

If you don’t, he will.

Humble you.

You see, God is best able to use you when you are totally dependant upon, totally trusting in, him.  And he wants to use you for great things.  He wants to be glorified in you and through you, that this sinful, broken world may see his power and his mercy and the tenderness of his love demonstrated to you, for you, by you.

So you gotta be humble.

Aaaaand, we’re back to your choice.

When you humble yourself, you demonstrate an attitude of selfless reliance upon God.  You acknowledge you sin and weakness, and you trust yourself completely to his mercy and strength.  It is a beautiful thing.

When God humbles you, it is not beautiful.  It is not pretty.

Does the name Samson ring any bells?  Hmmm?

Happy Friday, Beloved.

One-a-Day Thursday 12/17/15

number 1Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded (James 4:8b).

I’m not double-minded.

OK, sometimes I am.

Well, no I’m not…eh, maybe a little.

And a sinner?  Hey, just look at me and see if you think I’m a sinner!



At first read, this verse is obviously about others

until I stop

and listen

to the ongoing war

in my soul.

until I do wash my hands

and see

the filth

that I just can’t scrub away.

Oh Lord, please step in


and do what I can not do for myself.

One-a-Day Wednesday 12/16/15

number 1Come near to God, and he will come near to you (James 4:8a).

Again with the “Will.”

God doesn’t flirt.  He doesn’t play games.  He doesn’t write a “Do you like me? Check this box” note in crayon and have his friend hand it to you at recess.

Like I may or may not have done with Michelle Flores in the 5th grade.  

And she may or may not have drawn her own big fat giant “NO” box on the paper and checked it, like, seventeen times in red Crayola.

Give me a moment here.  Some scars run deep.

The point is, God is a God of “Will.”  You don’t have to be afraid that he will run out on you or mess with your mind or take the cheap shot or use your vulnerability against you.  He’s only ever always going to love you.

You’re the Beloved, remember?

So take a breath, take a moment, and draw near.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

One-a-Day Tuesday 12/15/15

number 1Resist the devil, and he will flee from you  (James 4:7b).

Interesting how that doesn’t say, “Might.”

or Probably

or Hopefully

or Kindasortacrossyourfingersandhopeforthebest.

The word of God says, “Will.”

So, if the devil isn’t fleeing,

perhaps–just perhaps

you aren’t so much resisting.

Just something to chew on, Beloved.

Happy Tuesday

One-a-Day Monday 12/14/15

number 1Submit yourselves, then, to God (James 4:7a).

I hate that word, “Submit.”  It sounds like I’m putting myself under someone else’s authority.


It’s a scary thing, this submission.  By obeying God, I’m giving up power and authority and the ability to command my own destiny and call the shots and be captain of my fate and master of my soul–

What, Beloved?  You say that all that “I did it my way” business is illusion, that when I think I’m in control it’s really the world, the flesh, and the devil who are pulling my strings?  You say that I’m bound to serve someone, and that there’s only one someone worth trusting with my obedience? That would be the One who has demonstrated, time and again, that he loves me and really, truly, knows what’s best?  You say that is the One I should give my life, my love, my service to–every day, every hour, every minute?

Wow, Beloved–you’re a smart one.

Happy Monday.

One-a-Day Friday 12/11/15

number 1But he gives us more grace (James 4:6).

Look back through the verses we’ve covered this week.  They don’t paint a very pretty picture of mankind. Selfish, violent, hedonistic, adulterous–we are a pretty pathetic bunch of flesh.  And how does God respond?  Does he smack us with a rock?  Does he snap his fingers and turn each of us into a puff of fluff?  Does he withdraw his Spirit and disown us?

He gives us more grace.


But I didn’t deserve the first measure of grace.  Or the second. Or…

Beloved, I will never understand.

But I accept.

And rejoice

Happy Friday

One-a-Day Thursday 12/10/15

number 1Or do you think the Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? (James 4:5)

The traditional view of this verse it that James is talking about our soul here, the “spirit” God put within us at creation.  He’s basically confirming that we are jealous at heart, constantly dissatisfied and longing for what we do not have.  That certainly fits the context, and it’s what the translators think is the original intent.

But…I dunno…

Another reading of this verse capitalizes the word “Spirit” and renders “envies intensely” as “longs jealously.”  In this view, James is talking about the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has caused to live in every believer.  He is reminding us that our God gets really possessive when it comes to his relationship with us.

As a young teenager, I knew an adult married couple who boasted of their “Open relationship.”  It was the first time I had ever heard of that concept.  I wasn’t a Christian yet, but the idea that two people would pledge to remain faithful to each other except when they didn’t feel like it made me truly uncomfortable. Granted, both spouses were woefully unattractive, so I figured the whole point was moot, but still…

Beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ does not do open relationships.

So, yes, I took the alternate translation here, recklessly casting aside the advice of the experts in order to follow my own feelings on the nature of God.  I promise I’m not trying to start a cult.  If perchance you see me in the street today, please do not scream “Heretic” and throw fruit and shoes at me. Though if you do, the event will find its way into a blog post, make no mistake.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

One-a-Day Wednesday 12/9/15

number 1You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is  hatred toward God?  Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God (James 4:4).

Kind of an intense week, huh?

Hey, don’t blame me.  I’m just going where the Word takes us.  Sometimes the Truth is warm and supportive and gives you happy tinglies.

Sometimes this.  But we need this, too.

God loves this world.  Make no mistake. He loves every soul he created enough to send his son to redeem it…at the greatest cost.

So, Beloved, love the people of the world.

But the spirit of the world, that there’s a different story.  The spirit of this world is fallen, corrupt, wicked, evil, flat-out icky.  

It is anti-Christ.  

I teach middle school.  I see kids change their entire persona–their hair, clothing, language, attitude–in order to emulate their friends. So we grownup types hope and pray that they pick their friends wisely.

Do you remember your hair in seventh grade?  Enough said.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

One-a-Day Tuesday 12/8/15

number 1You want something but don’t get it.  You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want.  You quarrel and fight.  You do not have because you do not ask God.  When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures  (James 4:2-3).

Wow…those folks were a mess.  Good thing we’re not in the least like that, right?


Question for the day: what is it you want out of your Tuesday, and why?  OK, so that’s two questions, but go with it.  Are you looking to glorify God today, or merely to feather your own nest?  It’s so easy to forget why we’re here, so easy to focus on ourselves.  But that mindset–that looking out for Number One bit–pretty much leads to discontent, dissatisfaction, and disappointment.  It will never, not even ever, make you the person God has called you to be.

Hey, Beloved, don’t beat yourself up about it.  Just take a moment to step back, take a deep breath, and recommit.  Offer yourself to Christ all over again. Give your stress and worry to him; let him provide what you need.

Trust him.

That’s going to free you up to care about important stuff.  Kingdom stuff.

Whaddaya say, Beloved?  Let’s you and I give it a shot today, huh?

Happy Tuesday.

One-a-Day Monday 12/07/15

number 1Oops, we never did finish James, did we?  Well, back to it.

What causes fights and quarrels among you?  Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? (James 4:1)

The word translated Desire here comes from the same root as the word hedonism, or the pursuit of pleasure for its own sake.

So, there’s your Greek lesson for the day…you’re welcome.

The point is, Paul is not talking about good, lofty desires here. He’s not talking about the desire to be a better person, to end hunger, to grow closer to God and further the brotherhood of all mankind. He’s talking about selfish, fleshly, ifitfeelsgooddoitI’minitformemememememememe desires.

Oh, those desires?  Yeah, those.

As you move through your Monday, take careful note of the things that cause friction between you about the folks with whom you interact.  Are you offended by unrighteousness and ungodly ways?

Good.  You should be.

Does the lack of justice and love one for another grieve your heart?

Fine. It oughtta.

Are you bugged because stupid people keep getting in your way?

Yeah…there’s your problem.

And uh, you know, mine.

Happy Monday, Beloved.