One-a-Day Friday 12/18/15

number 1Grieve, mourn, and wail.  Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up (James 4:9-10).

If you don’t, he will.

Humble you.

You see, God is best able to use you when you are totally dependant upon, totally trusting in, him.  And he wants to use you for great things.  He wants to be glorified in you and through you, that this sinful, broken world may see his power and his mercy and the tenderness of his love demonstrated to you, for you, by you.

So you gotta be humble.

Aaaaand, we’re back to your choice.

When you humble yourself, you demonstrate an attitude of selfless reliance upon God.  You acknowledge you sin and weakness, and you trust yourself completely to his mercy and strength.  It is a beautiful thing.

When God humbles you, it is not beautiful.  It is not pretty.

Does the name Samson ring any bells?  Hmmm?

Happy Friday, Beloved.

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