One-a-Day Monday 12/14/15

number 1Submit yourselves, then, to God (James 4:7a).

I hate that word, “Submit.”  It sounds like I’m putting myself under someone else’s authority.


It’s a scary thing, this submission.  By obeying God, I’m giving up power and authority and the ability to command my own destiny and call the shots and be captain of my fate and master of my soul–

What, Beloved?  You say that all that “I did it my way” business is illusion, that when I think I’m in control it’s really the world, the flesh, and the devil who are pulling my strings?  You say that I’m bound to serve someone, and that there’s only one someone worth trusting with my obedience? That would be the One who has demonstrated, time and again, that he loves me and really, truly, knows what’s best?  You say that is the One I should give my life, my love, my service to–every day, every hour, every minute?

Wow, Beloved–you’re a smart one.

Happy Monday.


One-a-Day Monday 12/14/15 — 2 Comments

  1. Praise God. He truly is worthy of our obedience and attention above all things. Thank you so much for your steadfast faithfulness to communicate His Words in witty, charming, powerful ways, Michael. I value you so dearly, brother. Bless you!!

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