For What? One-a-Day Friday  6/24/16

A life worthy

Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure; in vain have I washed my hands in innocence(Psalm 73:13).

Did you ever feel that way, Beloved?  Did you ever feel that no matter how much you work, no matter how hard you try, that it’s just not good enough?  Did you ever feel that God doesn’t give a rip snort how much you serve him; in fact, he doesn’t seem to notice you at all?  And did you ever think, “What’s the point?” because God is honoring those who dishonor him and blessing those who curse him?

No?  Never felt that way, huh?

Well…color me lonely, then.

We’ll talk more Monday.  This Psalm is about to turn a pretty important corner.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Perspective    One-a-Day Thursday  6/23/16

A life worthy

This is what the wicked are like–always carefree, they increase in wealth (Psalm 73:12).

I know, we’ve already covered this.  We talked about it last week. The wicked do have troubles, and they don’t always prosper.

But I’m with the Psalmist–it sure seems like they do.

So let’s spend a little time in prayer today.  Ask the God of Vision to help you see the people around you as he sees them:







After all, they are without Christ–what is there to envy?

It’s a matter of perspective, Beloved.  Pray that God gives it to you, and to them.

And to me.

Happy Thursday

How Can God Know? One-a-Day Wednesday  6/22/16

A life worthy

They say, “How can God know?  Does the Most High have knowledge?”(Psalm 73:11).

Well, of course they question God.

He threatens their power base.

I mean, if there really is a God, then he’s probably smarter than we are, ya?


So we’d oughta listen to him, you know, follow his directions, ya?


But following him would require us to get off our throne, and, well, we really like it up here.


So we question, we confuse, we obfuscate.

Nothing new, really.  Satan pioneered the tactic, and it has flourished for a long time.

But not forever.

Stand firm, Beloved.

Happy Wednesday.


Followers One-a-Day Tuesday  6/21/16

A life worthy

Therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance(Psalm 73:10).


A small but vocal minority of wealthy and successful people wielding disproportionate cultural power and acting as the thought police for an entire society.

Sound familiar?

Remember, Beloved, there is nothing new under the sun.  Biblical folks had their version of I’m-a-celebrity-so-let-me-tell-you-how-to-live-your-life, just as we do today.  The question is, why do we listen to these people?  Are we really so enamored by celebrity that we are willing to let them make moral decisions for us?  Are we so cowed by the “intellectual elite” that we are willing to let them do our reasoning for us? Are we just sheep?


Yes, and


God makes sense, Beloved.  Don’t let the world tell you otherwise.

Happy Tuesday.

Truth   One-a-Day Monday  6/20/16

A life worthy

Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth (Psalm 73:9).

That’s one of the most frustrating things about worldly folks, isn’t it?  They claim the moral and intellectual high ground on just about every issue facing society.  If you stand for Truth in the arena of sexuality, you are labelled “phobic.”  If you argue against evolution because it conflicts with the evidence of Creation, you are granted the title, “moron.”  If you fight abortion because you believe that God knows us and calls us even in the womb, you are a misogynist who wants to keep women as second-class citizens.

Even if you are a woman…which is tough to understand.

It can be frustrating

and daunting

and exhausting.

Just remember, Beloved–their claims are false, and they take possession as squatters, not as owners.  One day, perhaps one day soon, the mist will burn away and deception will dissolve in the light of Truth.  Until that day hold tight, stand fast, and speak boldly the truth you have been given.

In the name of Jesus.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Without God One-a-Day Friday  6/17/16

A life worthy

Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.  From their callous hearts comes iniquity;  the evil conceits of their minds know no limits.  They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression(Psalm 73:6-9).

Such lovely people, hmm?

This is what happens when folks trade the Lord of the Universe for the god of Self.  Without the Holy One in your heart, there is nothing more important than your own desires and plans and achievements and stuff. You become your own god; you make your own rules.  The results are predictable.

Point to chew on as you move into your weekend, where you will likely encounter some of these people: God knows that they’re there.  You don’t need to point them out to him, or share your plan for bringing them down.  

He already has a plan, but it’s not a Search and Destroy kinda plan.

It’s more of a Seek and Save.

And you, Beloved, are a rescue hero.

Happy Friday

Perfect People One-a-Day Thursday  6/16/16

A life worthy

They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human ills (Psalm 73:4-5).

I have a scribbled notation in my Bible next to this verse.  It says, “That seems pretty short-sighted.  Still, it is often me.”  I don’t remember when I wrote that, but I must say I agree with myself. Of course the worldly man has troubles.  He gets dumped, he gets robbed, he loses his job, he gets sick and he dies, just like everyone else.  But sometimes, Beloved, it doesn’t look that way. Sometimes it seems like they just float through life, does it not? They couldn’t care less about God, and it just doesn’t seem to matter.  

“Seem” is a little word that masks a big deception.

Hold on, Beloved.  The poem doesn’t end here.

Happy Thursday

Slippery Slope One-a-Day Wednesday  6/15/16

A life worthy

But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.  For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73:2-3).

Sometimes it just doesn’t seem fair.  Here you are, busting your spiritual butt serving the Lord, and you don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Lousey job, crummy car, bills that just don’t stay paid.  And when you look around, you see people who are far less spiritual than you are, and they seem to be doing great.  It really stinks.

Tread carefully, Beloved.  You are on a slippery slope.  The only way to keep from falling is to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and you can’t do that if you are looking around at other people and what they have and get and do.

Unless, of course, you have some sort of weird googly-eye thing going on, but that’s not something you need to share, OK?

Eyes on the prize, ya Beloved?

Happy Wednesday.

Surely One-a-Day Tuesday  6/14/16

A life worthy

Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart (Psalm 73:1).

He either is

or he isn’t.

Good, I mean.

We’re about to dive into Psalm 73.  It’s one of my favorite psalms, in part because I totally identify with the writer.  But the whole point of the poem is predicated on the idea that God is good to his children.

It’s not just what he does; it’s who he is.

He can’t be any other way.

So, let’s take a moment this morning to soak in the knowledge that God is indeed good.  He really does know what’s best, want what’s best, and give what’s best, in spite of what we may see on the news feed or hear from friends at work.

Breathe deep, Beloved.

Happy Tuesday.