Followers One-a-Day Tuesday  6/21/16

A life worthy

Therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance(Psalm 73:10).


A small but vocal minority of wealthy and successful people wielding disproportionate cultural power and acting as the thought police for an entire society.

Sound familiar?

Remember, Beloved, there is nothing new under the sun.  Biblical folks had their version of I’m-a-celebrity-so-let-me-tell-you-how-to-live-your-life, just as we do today.  The question is, why do we listen to these people?  Are we really so enamored by celebrity that we are willing to let them make moral decisions for us?  Are we so cowed by the “intellectual elite” that we are willing to let them do our reasoning for us? Are we just sheep?


Yes, and


God makes sense, Beloved.  Don’t let the world tell you otherwise.

Happy Tuesday.


Followers One-a-Day Tuesday  6/21/16 — 1 Comment

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