Remember One-a-Day Monday  5/30/16

A life worthy


Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).

We are called to remember.


Remember the One who died that you might live,

who was bound that you might be set free.

And remember those who have followed His example, leaving their homes behind to travel to foreign soil, where they give their lives that you and I might be free.

Right now, as I write this, some warrior shoulders a rifle, or climbs into a chopper, or races toward a bomb blast, knowing that today could be the day that they are called to give “the last full measure of devotion.”

They may be terrified.

They go anyway.

For you

and me.

Remember, Beloved.


Chaff One-a-Day Thursday  5/26/16

A life worthy

Not so the wicked!  They are like chaff that the wind blows away.  Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous (Psalm 1:4-5).

Sometimes I forget.

Sometimes I look at the non-believers around me, and I envy their “freedom.”

Sometimes, Beloved, I’m a little short-sighted.

I forget their destiny.  I forget that, without Christ, they are like chaff that the wind blows away.  Ever wonder why chaff blows away, while the wheat (that would be you) remains?  It’s because chaff has no substance, no weight.  There is nothing solid to it, nothing to keep it from drifting away on the breeze.

So it does.

What I sometimes confuse for freedom is the aimless drifting of an empty soul.

One day they, like we, will stand before the Father.  They will not be clothed in the righteousness of Christ—they will be naked in their sin.  They will not stand firm in the armor of God—they will be crushed under the weight of their own well-earned guilt.  They will not rejoice in the fellowship of the saints—they will be ever, forever alone.

Sometimes I forget.  But when I remember, I praise God for his grace, and I remind myself never to envy the lost, but ever to pity them, to pray for them, to reason and wrestle and reach for them.

Join me, Beloved.  And Happy Thursday.

Tree One-a-Day Wednesday  5/25/16

A life worthy

He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers (Psalm 1:3).

OK, I really appreciate the tree image.  On a day like today, when I’m running crazy, the idea of solid, deep stillness is delicious.  On a day like today, when so little that I do seems to be of real value, the thought of being useful, of fulfilling my purpose, is profoundly satisfying.  On a day like today, when my body aches and the gray is spreading quickly through what’s left of my hair, the hope of not withering invigorates me.

But I gotta tell you, Beloved–I struggle with the rest of the verse. I’m trying to be a Psalm 1 kinda guy, but I can’t honestly say that whatever I do prospers.  Maybe I’m not Psalm 1ish enough.  Maybe I sit in the seat of mockers more often than I like to admit.  Maybe my meditation isn’t up to snuff.


Maybe I don’t have a good enough grip on what it means to “prosper.”  Maybe, just maybe, God is prospering me in ways I can’t see, can’t even imagine.

I like that “Maybe” better.

For all that I don’t know—which is plenty—there is one thing I do know.

I wanna be a tree.

Meditation One-a-Day Tuesday  5/24/16

A life worthy

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  (Psalm 1:2).

Do you delight in God’s word?

No guilt here—it’s an honest question.

Actually, I ask the same question of myself.  I mean, I read his word, I study his word, on occasion I even commit his word to memory…but do I delight in it?  Do I meditate on it?

Do I even really know what that looks like?

I know I’d like to.

I know that biblical meditation is different from what they’ll teach you at yoga class—and what are you doing at yoga class, anyway?  They’ll teach you to empty your mind, and allow the void to be filled by narcissism and demons.  OK, they probably won’t say it that way, but that’s what it amounts to.  Biblical meditation is about filling your mind with Scripture, sort of letting a particular verse roll around in your head.  You pray that God would illuminate the passage for you, and help you to see what he wants you to see in it.

Let’s experiment today.  Pick a passage of Scripture—it could be this passage, or yesterday’s, or just your favorite verse—and ask God to help you meditate on it.  Ask him to help you delight in it.  Let it roll around your head today, and see what he has to show you.

C’mon, trust me, Beloved—it’ll be fun.

Blessed One-a-Day Monday  5/23/16

A life worthy

I hope you don’t mind, but I need a Psalm-break.

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the council of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. (Psalm 1:1)

Who do you listen to?  Not on Sunday, but on Monday, Tuesday, and the rest of the week.

I like to listen to talk radio.  I enjoy the news analysis and commentary, especially during an election season.  There’s one thing I have to keep in mind, though—the station I listen to is not a Christian station.  The hosts are not coming from a Christian perspective. Even though we may agree on many issues, and I find the commentary interesting, we are fundamentally at odds.  Listen?  Sure, I can listen–but always with my guard up.  If I ever find myself agreeing 100% with the host, I need to do a spiritual self-check.

Again I ask:  who do you listen to?  Are you following the teaching of the Word, or of the world?  Are you seeking to imitate Jesus, or celebrities?  Are you fellowshipping with Godly believers, or the lost?

The people who surround you, the communion you immerse yourself in, will have a profound impact upon your thought life.  So step back today and take a look at who that is.  If you need to make some changes, do so.

Mondays are a great time for fresh starts.

So get started, Beloved.

Reward One-a-Day Friday 5/20/16

A life worthy

At that time each will receive their praise from God  (1 Corinthians 4:5c).


When I judge, I tend to focus on the negative.  I point out the mistakes, the failures, the foolishness, the idiocy, the not-quites, the falling-shorts, the what-were-you-thinkings.

When God judges us, “Each will receive their praise…”


I suppose there’s a lesson for me

as a teacher

as a father

as a husband

as a friend

as a man

in that.


Happy Friday, Beloved.


Motives One-a-Day Thursday 5/19/16

A life worthy

He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart  (1 Corinthians 4:5b).

Now for the other thing.

You know, from yesterday.  The other thing about the wheat and the weeds.  So the one thing was that the roots of the wheat and the weeds can get tangled together, so that if you pull the weeds you might also pull up the good plants.

The other thing is that baby wheat plants and baby weeds can look alot alike to the untrained eye.  You may be pulling up a weedlike piece of flora that is, in fact, a healthy example of wheatiosity.  You can’t always tell.

You can’t…but he can.

God sees to the heart of the plant.  He knows its little chlorophyllian secrets.  He knows the mold that is hidden deep beneath the leaves.  He shines his spotlight on the roots to determine which are sunk deep into the rock and which are shifting in the sand.

But then, we’re not talking about plants anymore, are we?

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Judgement Day One-a-Day Wednesday 5/18/16

A life worthy

Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes  (1 Corinthians 4:5a).

We spend a lot of time and energy judging, don’t we?  We look around this world and see so very much that is so very wrong. Hey, we don’t even need to look at the world.  We can look around the Church and see so many things worthy of judgement.  Even Paul spends significant time in his epistles judging, doesn’t he?

So why does he say here that we shouldn’t judge?

Do you remember that parable about the wheat and the weeds? Jesus said that if we start yanking up the weeds too early, we might pull up the wheat along with it.


Well, for one thing, the weeds often grow so close to the wheat that their roots get tangled up together.  If you start yanking up weeds, you might tear the good stuff up with it.  When the time is right, you can safely harvest both and separate the good from the bad.

When the time is right.

And how do you know when the time is right?  Well, you don’t.  But the Lord of the Land does.  Don’t worry–he won’t forget.

For another thing…eh, we’ll wait until Tomorrow for another thing.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Conscience One-a-Day Tuesday 5/17/16

A life worthy

My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me (1 Corinthians 4:4).

Somehow, I don’t find this comforting.

I mean, a clear conscience…that’s supposed to be a good thing, right?

Yep, it’s good.  

Just not good enough.  Beloved, your conscience is being renewed, just like your mind and your heart, by the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit.

But it ain’t there yet.

In the meantime, your sense of right and wrong is just a little bit askew.  The balance of justice and mercy in your heart is a bit off–heavy on the mercy for you, perhaps, heavy on the justice for others.  You are possessed of an amazing, near mythic ability to justify your actions and thoughts and, you know, sin.

Yeah, so, your conscience…not quite the infallible judge.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be the judge of yourself.  The Lord of the Universe is going to take care of that little detail for you.

Aren’t you the lucky one?

Yes, actually.  You are.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.