Truth   One-a-Day Monday  6/20/16

A life worthy

Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth (Psalm 73:9).

That’s one of the most frustrating things about worldly folks, isn’t it?  They claim the moral and intellectual high ground on just about every issue facing society.  If you stand for Truth in the arena of sexuality, you are labelled “phobic.”  If you argue against evolution because it conflicts with the evidence of Creation, you are granted the title, “moron.”  If you fight abortion because you believe that God knows us and calls us even in the womb, you are a misogynist who wants to keep women as second-class citizens.

Even if you are a woman…which is tough to understand.

It can be frustrating

and daunting

and exhausting.

Just remember, Beloved–their claims are false, and they take possession as squatters, not as owners.  One day, perhaps one day soon, the mist will burn away and deception will dissolve in the light of Truth.  Until that day hold tight, stand fast, and speak boldly the truth you have been given.

In the name of Jesus.

Happy Monday, Beloved.


Truth   One-a-Day Monday  6/20/16 — 1 Comment

  1. Good encouragement, Michael. I’ve found that our stances on issues of truth need to be backed by two important things:

    1. Living above reproach – Our lives should reflect Christ inwardly and outwardly. If we take a strong stance on certain issues because of a belief that they matter to God, we better be spiritually healthy on other God-following issues. We ought to be peacemakers, we ought to turn the other cheek, we must be pure sexually. If we dare take a stance on what we believe matters to God, we’ve got to be consistent with the way we live on all fronts.

    2. Loving unconditionally – Before anyone will follow our rules, they need to trust our relationships. The most important commandments were to love God and love others. We love God by obeying him (taking the stances on issues above is part of that). And the 2nd is like it – loving others is a HUGE part of God’s plan for us, it matters to Him that we love people who call us “morons” and misdiagnose phobias. Those are our neighbors, and it matters to God that we love them.

    Thanks for the thought of the day!

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