You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men (1 Corinthians 7:23).
You were lost.
Your sin had put you in so much debt that you were, quite frankly, owned by Death.
You had as much chance of saving yourself as a corpse does of digging his way out of the grave and back to light and life.
You were without hope.
And then He arrived on the scene, paid your debt, and redeemed you from Death.
The Bible tells us that he owns the cattle on a thousand hills, but you weren’t redeemed with cattle.
He is Creator of heaven and earth, but you weren’t redeemed with heaven or earth.
The price, Beloved, was infinitely higher than that,
and he paid it willingly
because he loves you.
Given all that, don’t sell yourself back to the world.
You are much too valuable.
Happy Thursday, Beloved