…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:20).
Are you still thankful today, Beloved? Or has the Christmas to-do list already kicked aside your “Things I am thankful for” list? Look, I’m not judging; I know you’ve got a lot to do. Myself, I’m looking at a garage that needs to be cleaned–I’ve been putting it off until next Saturday for eighteen months now–just so I can get to the Christmas lights, most of which are broken, if I remember correctly. I have a vague memory of an entire string of lights falling from the roof last January, resulting in a string of mini-explosions and a decision that I would replace all the lights “Next year,” when finances would undoubtedly be better, except they’re not. So I’ve probably gotta buy lights, and garland, and maybe a lawn elf–but no inflatables, I’m passionately against inflatables–before I can even start decorating, and the neighbors are pretty much done already…
Yeah, so I get it.
But, for those of us in Christ, the One we were thankful for yesterday is the same One we celebrate at Christmas. It’s pretty much the same holiday; you just have to swap funny hats.
Of course, you know that already…you’re a bright one.
So, take time during the craziness–like today, like right now–to stop and breathe and give thanks.
For him
For you and him
Happy Friday, Beloved.
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