Portent One-a-Day Monday 2/1/21

A life worthy

I have become like a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge (Psalm 71:7).

So…the word portent can go a couple of ways here.

I mean, the word signifies something big, something that grabs peoples’ attention.

But is that in a good way, or in a bad way? Even the word important (full of portent) can be a good thing or a bad thing.

So which is it?

I remind you at this point that I am not a Bible scholar.

Looking at the context, I see that the Psalmist is asking for protection against his enemies, and that those enemies believe that God has forsaken him (v 11). Given those clues, I’m gonna go with the negative connotation here. The writer is old and weak and surrounded by enemies. People steer clear of him, just in case his bad luck is contagious. He’s the “Don’t let this happen to you” poster boy.

But he trusts God.

He believes God. 

He takes refuge in God.

He’s my hero.

Beloved, I don’t know what your life looks like today. Could be that things are grand, the larder is full, and your day is shining with hope and promise.

If so, enjoy it and give God the glory.

But, you might just identify with the Psalmist today. If so, know that God is your refuge. Go to him, lift your day, life, everything, to him. Trust him to protect you in the storm.

Because he is trustworthy.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

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