Perspective   One-a-Day Tuesday  5/9/23

A life worthy

Jonah wanted to die, and said, “It would be better for me to die than to live.” (Jonah 4:8).

Have you been there, Beloved?

Before we write Jonah off as overly dramatic, can you identify with him? Have you ever been in a place where your outward circumstances and your inward turmoil were just too much, and you wanted it all to be done? 

Well, then.

I don’t know what got you out of that place, or if you are out of that place. All I can point out is that the more Jonah focused on his circumstances, his desires, and what he saw as the proper outcome, the more frustrated and disappointed and angry he got. In fact, the only time in this narrative that Jonah seems truly at peace is when he abandons any sense of his own righteousness or understanding and focuses entirely on the mercy of God. 

And that happened, oddly enough, in the belly of the fish.

Go figure.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

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