You Are What You Plant One-a-Day Thursday    5/26/22

A life worthy

The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life   (Galatians 6:8).

Sixty seconds

times sixty minutes

times twenty-four hours


eighty-six thousand, four hundred



What will you plant?

Sow well, Beloved of Christ.

Happy Thursday

Farmer One-a-Day Wednesday    5/25/22

A life worthy

A man reaps what he sows  (Galatians 6:7).

Hey, I’m no farmer, but I’ve planted a seed or two in my time. 

Usually they die, but that’s not the point.

The point is, even someone of my limited gardening skills and decidedly gray thumbs knows that the picture on the seed package is there to tell you what’s inside.  Rarely does one find a package labeled, “Random Mystery Seeds.”  You know what you’re planting, long before it begins to grow. The wise gardener is very careful about what seeds he plants.

‘Course, we’re not really talking about gardens here, are we?

You’re so quick, Beloved–that’s what I like about you.

Happy Wednesday

Mock-Free Zone One-a-Day Tuesday    5/24/22

A life worthy

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked (Galatians 6:7).

I would never mock God.


But how often do I act as though God did not really exist?  How often do I read his words and then go off and do my own thing, completely forgetting what I just read? How often do I face the world in my pathetic strength, ignoring his voice telling me to trust Him?

Too often

Tell me I’m not alone here.

Beloved, when we do these things, we treat the Lord of the Universe as if he were ours to command, ignore, or cast aside at our discretion. 

Not a good idea

He loves you, but he won’t allow that.  

So, take a moment or two or twelve this morning to remind yourself of just exactly who you are, and whose you are.  Then go live like it.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

Teacher   One-a-Day Monday    5/23/22

A life worthy

Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor  (Galatians 6:6).

So I’m linking my Venmo and Zelle information for any donations you may want to… 


FYI, I don’t consider this blog “Instruction in the word.”  This is more like a kid wandering through the woods, pointing at all the beautiful stuff but not really knowing what any of it is or how any of it works, and occasionally getting covered in poison ivy. I’m glad you’re along for the walk, but you gotta realize that I’m not a certified guide.  I don’t always know what I’m talking about.

Hopefully you have someone in your life who really understands the scriptures and helps you understand them as well.

That’s the person Paul is talking about here.

Paul points out in more than one of his letters that those who teach the Word have a heavy responsibility before God. If they lead His children away from truth, either for their own gain or because of their own sin, it will seriously stink to be them. Teachers of the word are held to a high standard, as they should be.

They are also worthy of honor. They are the ones who can help us to see God more closely, who can make the Word more accessible by showing us how it connects and applies to life.  These are the people who show us God’s love on every page of the Bible.

Take a few moments this morning to pray for your pastor, your teacher, your spiritual leader. Ask God how you can honor and support them–spiritually, emotionally, and materially.  They deserve it.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Walk Your Own Walk One-a-Day Friday    5/20/22

A life worthy

Each one should test his own actions.  Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load (Galatians 6:4-5).

Wait a minute.

Didn’t Paul just say–like Wednesday–that we are to carry each other’s burdens?

Then why is he now saying that, “Each one should carry his own load?”

This kind of stuff drives me bonky.

It seems to me, if I may be so bold, that the context of verse 2 (from Wednesday) is accountability and teamwork and helping each other through the spiritual rough patches.  Today’s verses are dealing with our ultimate responsibility before God.  

Look, fellowship is important.  Teamwork is important.  Being there for each other–important.


Ultimately, your walk with God is your walk.  No one can do it for you.  No one can make the choices or pray the prayers or read the scriptures or spend the time.  It’s yours, Beloved.

Comparing your relationship with God to someone else’s is pointless, for two big reasons:

a) You don’t really know what’s going on in their head.  People like to put the best face on things.  We sometimes call that “lying.”  Seriously, do you think all those Facebook smiles are real? When you compare yourself to someone else, what you’re really doing is comparing your real, flawed, honest down-in-the-depths-of-my-soul self to their social-media-plastic-smile-head-tilted-here’s-what-I’m-gonna-show-you-cause-there’s-no-way-on-Earth-I’ll-dare-let-you-think-I’m-not-as-cool-as-you-are surface self. You can’t compete with that…nor should you want to.

b) God has called you to your path, not theirs. And that is a glorious thing. It means that the Lord of the Universe has spent energy designing a life for you.

Yeah, you 

So live that life.

Walk that walk.

Be that…being.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Teamwork One-a-Day Wednesday    5/18/22

A life worthy

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ  (Galatians 6:2).

Interesting how Paul says this right after talking about confronting a brother in sin.  Whaddaya think?  Connected, maybe?



Remember that person in sin, the one you’re trying to rescue? 

They’re trapped. 

They’re struggling under a burden of doubt, of fear, of ignorance, of mistrust–you name it. You can’t just ride in like Sir Knight, slay the sin dragon, and ride off to the next adventure.  You need to follow through. 

You need to stay.  

If God has called you to intervene, he has called you to do some heavy lifting.

Somehow–through prayer, through encouragement, through accountability, through instruction in the Word–you need to shoulder some of that load and help carry it to the foot of the Cross. The warrior must beat his sword into a plow and spend a little time working the soil. 

It isn’t easy–which is why we don’t dive heedlessly into another person’s life.

But it is necessary.

Hey, if we were meant to do this alone, our hands wouldn’t fit together so well.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved. 

Temptation Station One-a-Day Tuesday    5/17/22

A life worthy

Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.  But watch yourself, or you may also be tempted  (Galatians 6:1).

“Oh, but I could never get caught up in that.”

Yes, you could.

“No, really, I’d never–”

Yeah, well, you might.

“Trust me, there’s no way I would ever–”

Way.  Big, fat, hairy way.

There’s plenty of analogies, Beloved.

Playing with fire

Walking too close to the edge 

Eating one more cookie

The point is, sin is seductive.  That’s its nature.  If you hang out with sinners in order to identify with them and reach them, you’re putting yourself in a dangerous place.  

“Yeah, but Jesus did it!”

Yes, and he is Jesus.  

Look, Paul doesn’t say not to go; he says to watch yourself.  Be aware of your danger, and take precautions.  A fireman willingly runs into a flaming building, but he carries oxygen so that he doesn’t have to breathe the smoke.  

We are called to His work, so do what you gotta do, but do what you gotta do so you can do what you gotta do.

Got it?

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

Conceited One-a-Day Monday    5/16/22

A life worthy

Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other (Galatians 5:26).

It’s not about you.


It’s not even about me, although I might need to double-check Scripture on that.

It’s about the One who, oh I don’t know, created everything with a word and orchestrates all of history to sing his praise and glorify his name.

Beloved, how much of our conflict with others stems from our own ego?

I’m thinking…too much.

Eyes on the prize today, Beloved.

And off of the mirror.

Happy Monday

Chorus Line One-a-Day Friday    5/13/22

A life worthy

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit  (Galatians 5:25).

Have you ever seen a little kids’ dance performance?

Because I have.

Lots of motion and kicks and spins and vague arm gestures and all at different times.  It’s cute, but ever-so-slightly-painful.

How about we not do that?

Or the video of the marching band in which 99 kids execute a sharp turn left, and one poor trombonist chugs to the right.

How about we not do that?

Or the Blue Angels performance where…oh, wait…the Blue Angels are pretty much always perfect.  A million miles an hour, ¾ of an inch from wingtip to wingtip, near-perfect symmetry.

How about we do that?

We have a choreographer, Beloved.  Let’s follow the steps.

Happy Friday.