Heart of God One-a-Day Thursday  5/4/23

A life worthy

He prayed to the Lord, “O Lord, is this not what I said…?  I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.  Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.” (Jonah 4:2-3)

He knew the words.

He just didn’t live them.

The words Jonah uses here should be familiar—they’re used over and over again in the Scriptures to describe God’s character. These were probably some of the first verses Jonah memorized in Sunday School.

Yes, I know it wasn’t Sunday School at that time—just go with me here.

I’ll bet that, over the years, Jonah had recited these words with joy, with hope, in supplication, applying them to himself and to his people.  He rejoiced over God’s forgiveness—for himself and those he loved.

But…the Ninevites?  The oppressors of Israel?  Deniers of the Most High God?  The wicked ick of the world? It was unacceptable to Jonah that God could apply the same mercy, the same compassion, the same love to them that he so often gave to Israel.

So, Jonah knew the heart of God.

He just didn’t share it.

And you, Beloved?  And I?

All those verses we’ve memorized…do they apply to those people out there?

Do we share the heart of God for these people?

Do we even want to?

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Anger One-a-Day Wednesday  5/3/23

A life worthy

But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry (Jonah 4:1).

I know it’s wrong



but…I love this.

I’m so glad we have Jonah.  He’s a real person, not a cutout character from a Sunday School flannel board.  Jonah feels angry because he knows that the Ninevites don’t deserve God’s mercy.  They deserve a serious smackdown, and Jonah was looking forward to a front row seat.

Been there, Jonah.

Felt that.

Every time I’m in heavy traffic.

You know, there’s a way out of a Jonah mood.  It’s kind of dangerous, though. You can look closely at those Ninevites, and you can pray that God would allow you to see these people as he sees them.  God will grant your request, if you really mean it.

And you will lose your capacity to hate them, no matter how badly they drive.

Like I said, though, it’s dangerous.  You may begin to see a lot of things as God sees them, and that’ll change you.

Are you up for that, Beloved?

Happy Wednesday.

Mercy One-a-Day Tuesday  5/2/23

A life worthy

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened (Jonah 3:10).

They didn’t deserve it.

Mercy, I mean.

A little sackcloth and a few skipped meals hardly make up for generations of wickedness.

And yet, that is the very nature of mercy.  God was willing to see beyond their sin, to look at hearts that, however briefly, recognized their evil and turned to him.

He sent Jonah because he wanted to forgive the Ninevites.  He was looking for a reason.  I don’t know why he would want to forgive them.

But then, I don’t know why he would want to forgive me.

And forgiving me cost him ever so much more than forgiving the city of Nineveh.

You know what I mean, Beloved?

Yes, you do.

Happy Tuesday.

Believe One-a-Day Monday 5/1/23

A life worthy

The Ninevites believed God. (Jonah 3:5)

Believing God—that’s always a good idea.

Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. (Gen 15:6)

Anyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. (1 John 5:1)

For God so loved the world that he gave his Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

There’s no better place to start—or end—than simply believing God.

So…do you, Beloved?

Believe him, I mean.  His Word says so much about who he is, and his attitude towards sin, and how much he loves us, and our relationship with him, and our eternity—do you live as though all of that were true?

I do



but sometimes I forget.  Sometimes I believe what the world says. That seldom works out well for me.

There was a whole lot riding on Nineveh’s choice to believe God.

There’s a whole lot riding on your choice today.


Happy Monday, Beloved.

Second Chance One-a-Day Friday  4/28/23

A life worthy

Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time…Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh (Jonah 3:1-3).

A God of second chances—that’s who we serve, Baby.

After all the grief that Jonah caused, after the arrogance he showed, after the downright in-your-face disobedience he displayed toward the Lord of the Universe, God gave him a second chance.  And not just forgiveness—a second chance to serve, to be His instrument on Earth. God could have ditched Jonah and called someone else, but he didn’t. Because Jonah was every bit as important to God as the people he was sent to warn.

Frankly, I probably would have left him in the fish.

Call it reason #3,874 to be glad I am not God.

OK Beloved, so maybe you’ve messed up along the way.  You’ve been disobedient, you’ve had to face God’s discipline.

That does not mean that you are through.  Your mission still awaits you. Your Lord still calls.

There’s the road, kid.

Start walking.

Happy Friday

Out of the Water One-a-Day Thursday  4/27/23

A life worthy

And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land (Jonah 2:10).

Lovely image, don’t you think?

I wonder why we don’t hear more worship songs built around this verse.

It isn’t always pretty, the way God works.  It isn’t always glamorous. Sometimes it will leave you humbled, disheveled, and smelling of fish innards.

And yet…he’s still working.

May I make a suggestion, Beloved?  As you embark on your Wednesday, be on the lookout for the ways in which God is providing for you and protecting you.  It may not be apparent at first glance. That minor illness may be God’s way of allowing you to rest. That undesired overtime may be his way of paying the rent.  Be assured of this: if you’re his, then he’s working in, through, and for you.

No matter what it looks like.

Wipe the fish goo out of your eyes and look around.  He’s doing amazing things.

Because you are his Beloved.

Happy Thursday.

Forfeit One-a-Day Wednesday  4/26/23

A life worthy

“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” (Jonah 2:8)

What do you cling to, Beloved?

Who do you trust?

God, of course!


Yeah, it’s the “And” that gets me, too.

What are your idols, Beloved?

Look, I know you don’t worship stuffed animals or pray to little porcelain figurines.


But that doesn’t mean you don’t have idols.  And those idols, those things that you trust instead of trusting God, they get in the way. You see, you have to choose who you’re going to trust.  The Lord of the Universe is not big on sharing power. If you insist that you can make it on your own, he’s likely to let you.

And you’ve been down that road before.

Your strength, your money, your intelligence, your looks, your ability to make a really great chicken salad—enjoy them.  Use them wisely, and glorify God with them.

But don’t cling to them.

Don’t forfeit grace.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Prayer Rising One-a-Day Tuesday  4/25/23

A life worthy

“When my life was ebbing away I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you…”  (Jonah 2:7)

Imagine it.

You tread water for as long as you can, but then your strength is gone.

The water closes over your head.

You look up and see the light that you can no longer reach. It grows dimmer as you drop down and down, away from light and air and warmth and life.

Eventually…utter darkness.

But as you drift down, your prayers rise up.

And he hears you.  And he sends a fish to swallow you, which I gotta say is a really weird part of the metaphor, but it represents the whole rescue thing.

Sometimes God’s the only hope you have, and that’s when you remember:

He’s enough.

And then some.

And then some more.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

From the Depths One-a-Day Monday 4/24/23

A life worthy

He said, “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.  From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry.”  (Jonah 2:2)

Do you remember, Beloved?

Do you remember when you called out to him?

Do you remember the pit—so dark, so deep?

The despair was palpable.

The sorrow, tangible.

But he answered.

He listened.

Do you remember?

Let this be a day of remembrance, Beloved.  Drink deep of the memory. Let it roll around in your heart.  Taste its fullness. Then let it sink deep into your spirit, to refresh and sustain you.

Now you can look Today square in the eye.

Walk in confidence, Beloved.

Happy Monday

Time Out One-a-Day Friday 4/21/23

A life worthy

From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God (Jonah 2:1).

We all need to take a break from the world from time to time, sort of get away from the busyness and reconnect with God.

You may go to the mountains

or to the desert

or just to a quiet room with a closed door

or…you know…a fish.

Sometimes we refuse to take that break, and God forces a rest upon us.

He might send an illness

or a layoff

or a flight cancellation

or…you know…

Jonah didn’t ask for the fish, as he didn’t ask for the storm or the mission to Nineveh.  But he recognizes the fish for the provision it is, and he uses the time to reconnect with God and get his priorities straight.

At least for the moment.

And what about you, Beloved?

Are you taking time to fellowship with the One who loves you?  When was the last time you got away from the Crazy—if only for a few minutes—to let God restore, re-center, reconnect you?  Because if you don’t, he will.

Because you are his Beloved.

Happy Friday