Where’s Your Confidence? One-a-Day Monday 6/17/24

A life worthy

If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless (Philippians 3:4-6).

You know what I like about our dog?

She’s not trying to impress anybody.  She just came in from the back yard, scruffy and damp and smelling of something she should not have been rolling in.  She arrived with a wagging tail and a big puppy grin, nothing to prove, just happy to be here.

You know what else I like about our dog?

She has no illusions of grandeur.  She is fully aware–to the extent that a dog can be aware–that she is dependent upon us, and she seems utterly fine with that.  She makes no attempt to feed herself, or let herself out, or bathe herself (although I wouldn’t mind that last bit). She is content, knowing that her needs will be met by those who love her and have chosen her..

You can learn a lot from a dog.

Happy Monday, Beloved. 

Hear it Again One-a-Day Friday  6/14/24

A life worthy

It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you (Philippians 3:1).

I almost skipped over this line, as I often skim past it when I am reading this passage. It just seems like filler, a transition to get us into the next section of the letter. Then I realized something.

This line is gold.

This line is at the very heart of wisdom.

As a teacher, I know that students need to hear something multiple times before it sinks in.  They can read it, hear it from me, discuss it with a partner, watch it in a video, and still be completely clueless on tomorrow’s quiz.  A standard teacher mantra is It never hurts ‘em to hear it again.  In this respect, you and I are no different from the twelve-year-olds in my classroom.

We need to read it again

Hear it again

See it again

Experience it again

Pray it again

before it really sinks in.  

So, as you finish off your week, don’t shy away from the lessons you think you’ve already learned.  That leads to pride, and we know where that road takes us. Instead, embrace the wisdom like the friend that it is.

It never hurts us to hear it again.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Rejoice! One-a-Day Thursday  6/13/24

A life worthy

Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord!  (Philippians 3:1)

First thing

Last thing

Every thing

Rejoice in the One who has formed you out of dust and love, who has called you to be his beloved, who has set you apart and sealed you as his own.  He knows you completely, and loves you anyway. Every dark thing in this world and in your life will be overwhelmed and overcome by the power of his love and holiness.

He is King.

He is God.

He is yours


you are his.

Rejoice, Beloved!

Happy Thursday

The Boast One-a-Day Wednesday  6/12/24

A life worthy

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life–in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing (Philippians 2:16).

I’m a teacher, and as I read this a couple of thoughts pop into my head.

One, this is a really long sentence.  Paul…Buddy…I know this is translated from Greek and all, but you oughta review your punctuation.

Two, I identify with this.  I mean, I’m just a middle school teacher, but like all teachers I take a measure of success or failure from my students’ performance.  I know that there are a thousand things that affect their scores over which I have zero influence.  Still, my success is tied up in theirs.  When they pass the test, so do I. When they fall short…

And Paul was so much more than their teacher.  He was the founder of their church, their mentor, their spiritual father…their apostle.

And he was watching to see that his work had not been in vain.

Beloved, who has invested in your life?  Who has run and labored on your behalf?  Remember them today.  Pray for them.  Reach out to them if you can, and let them know that you know…you know?

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

The Word One-a-Day Tuesday  6/11/24

A life worthy

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life… (Philippians 2:16)

You walk out into the world today carrying the greatest treasure imaginable.  

Don’t grip it in a clenched fist, Beloved.  

Hold it loosely


release it

with joy.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

Shine One-a-Day Monday  6/10/24

A life worthy

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe… (Philippians 2:14)

Like a star

But not a star

You and I are more like moons, reflecting the light of the Son. When we do our jobs right, we reflect pure light onto a dark world. When we get a little too full of ourselves, and maybe start thinking that’s our light pouring out on the world, well…

Have you ever seen an eclipse?

Shine today, Beloved.

Happy Monday

Blameless and Pure One-a-Day Friday  6/7/24

A life worthy

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children without fault in a crooked and depraved generation… (Philippians 2:15)

Blameless because he took the blame.

Pure because he purified you.

Faultless because he chose not to assign fault.

It’s not because of you, Beloved.

It’s for you

and through you.

You don’t have to make it happen.

Just let it happen.

Happy Friday, Beloved

Arguing One-a-Day Thursday  6/6/24

A life worthy

Do everything without complaining or arguing… (Philippians 2:14)

Remember, Paul’s talking to the Church here.  These are believers, Christ followers, ambassadors of hope in a really sad, perverse, messed-up world.

Kinda like ours.

Beloved, look at the news.

Look out the window.

This is a time to remember what unifies us, not what pulls us apart.  Yes, there are non-negotiables of the faith–the nature of God, and of Man, and of the Word–but they are comparatively few. Most of the things that separate us are not essential to the core of life with Christ.  And while we bicker, the world is blown further and further from the Truth.

As an old pastor of mine would say, there are elephants and there are peanuts.  Deal with the elephants, and don’t worry about the peanuts.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

No Complaining One-a-Day Wednesday  6/5/24

A life worthy

Do everything without complaining… (Philippians 2:14)

Think about it–complaining is basically saying to God, “You’re doing this part wrong, Lord of the Universe.  I’m annoyed with the plan that you have for me, and I don’t really trust that you’ve got it all under control.”

I’m not a trained theologian, but I’m thinking that is not the best way to pursue one’s relationship with the Almighty.

Is Paul telling me that I can’t be frustrated when I don’t understand what’s happening and why it’s happening?  No…I’m pretty sure God understands frustration, and he wants us to be honest with him.

But complaining is more than just getting frustrated every once in a while.  Complaining is an attitude of the heart, and it brings you and everyone around you down.

So knock it off, you little whiner.

Oh, sorry–did I write that out loud? I was looking in the mirror.

Beloved, if you trust God, if you believe he is in control, if you know in your heart that he wants what’s best for you, then relax and let him do the God part.

You do the you part.

Which, frankly, is enough to keep us all busy, ya?

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

His Purpose  One-a-Day Tuesday  6/4/24

A life worthy

…for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose  (Philippians 2:13)

Let’s face it–without the Holy Spirit, not only are you not able to be the person God has called you to be,

you don’t even want to be.

He gives you the desire to follow him, and then he equips and enables you to follow him.  He gives you the desire to glorify him, and then he provides the strength and opportunity to do it.

So that part where you feel like you’re not strong enough, or brave enough, or good enough, or wise enough, or dedicated enough?

That’s true.

It’s also irrelevant.

God hasn’t called you to be anything

except his.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.