One-a-Day Monday, 2/17/14

number 1The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children (Romans 8:16).

OK, so you’ve got to be careful when people claim spiritual knowledge.   I mean, I used to work with a woman who came in one morning and announced that she had heard the trumpet sounding while she brushed her teeth.

As in, the first trumpet from Revelation 8:7.

By lunch, when the only smoke I smelled was my BBQ potato chips, I figured she was wrong.

On the other hand, I trust the Apostle Paul far more than I do the girl at work, and Paul says that the Spirit himself testifies with our spirit.

So what does that look like?  Sound like?  Feel like?

Frankly, I’m often afraid that I can’t tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and my own imagination.  I mean, I’m the creative type, and I can imagine all kinds of voices in my head.  How do I know what to listen for?  How do I keep from being like Trumpet Girl?

I really wish I had the complete answer for you…for me.  What I can tell you is this—when the message your spirit is telling you is consistent with scripture, you can accept it, believe it, bank on it.  And this message is. You are God’s child, and he loves you completely.  So take a few moments today—like now—to close your eyes, quiet your heart, and let your Father tell you that you are his.  Let his Spirit speak to your spirit, and rejoice in your Abba’s voice.

Happy Monday, Beloved of Christ.


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