One-a-Day Monday, 12/1/14

number 1This, then, is how you should pray:

Our Father in Heaven… (Matthew 6:9).

Jesus taught us how to pray.  It’s probably worth paying attention, hmm?

For the next several mornings, let’s take a look at the model prayer that Christ gave us in Matthew.  I don’t think it’s a mantra that we’re meant to recite; I do think it’s an example that we would be wise to follow.

First thing to notice—Jesus directs his prayer to the Father.  He could have called him “Lord,” or “Master,” or even “God.”

But he didn’t.

He called him Father.

Do you have Dad issues, Beloved?  When you think of your father, do you see an always loving, completely understanding, thoroughly trustworthy, totally forgiving man of perfect wisdom and strength who makes it easy for you to identify with an all-loving Lord of the Universe?

Yeah, me neither.

Nor do my kids, come to think of it.

Look, this isn’t a therapy session—it’s just a One-a-Day.  Let’s keep it simple.  No matter how your earthly dad stacks up against Perfection, no matter how hard he tried—or didn’t—he’s gonna fall short somewhere.

And that’s OK.

You have a Father in Heaven who is strength and wisdom and compassion and love personified.  He is your glorious Father, and he loves you…gloriously.  He is worthy of your praise, your devotion, your trust

And your prayers, which brings us back to where we started.

He is God, and King, and Lord.

You get to call him Father.

Because you are his Beloved.

Remember that…no matter what Monday brings.

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