One-a-Day Friday, 4/24/15

number 1God saw that the light was good… (Genesis 1:4).

Light is good.

Have you ever been in complete darkness?  I mean, where it’s so dark that you literally can’t see your hand in front of your face?

It’s disturbing.

When I was nineteen, I lived in a little cabin in the woods.

No, really.

One night, I left a friend’s house to return home.  It was night, and I didn’t have a flashlight because I hadn’t planned to stay so late and because I was new to the woods and unfamiliar with real darkness and because I was nineteen and living on my own for the first time and my mom wasn’t there to tell me to take a flashlight.  My cabin was about 100 yards through the trees.  With light, maybe two minutes.  In the dark, fifteen of the most harrowing minutes of my life.



Wrong Turns


Bad Choices


I felt it all as I stumbled through the darkness, looking for home.

I didn’t appreciate the spiritual metaphor at the time, because, well, I thought I was about to be eaten.  But I’m sure you get it.

The smallest checkout-counter keychain flashlight would have transformed that darkness…

Hey, whaddaya say we all hold hands and sing, “This Little Light of Mine?”

OK, well, maybe next time.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

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