Lots of Lots One-a-Day Monday  4/17/23

A life worthy

Then the sailors said to each other, “Come, let us cast lots to find out who is responsible for this calamity.” They cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah (Jonah 1:7).

Casting lots seems to be the OT version of flipping a coin or rolling the dice.  The people of the time were much more open to the idea that some things were just beyond rational explanation. They used the casting of lots as a way for their “gods” to direct them. The Hebrews used it too, and God seems to have been OK with it. So, the pagans use their hokus-pokus random number generator to find out who is responsible for the crazy weather that is about to kill them all…

And it comes up “Jonah.”

Beloved, God can work any way He wants to. Sometimes he sends a prophet with messages and miracles and fire from heave.

Sometimes it’s a bunch of sailors throwing the dice.

Look around you–how is God speaking in your life today?  Is it the gentle whisper of His Spirit? Is it the thunder of a storm?

Is it the homeless guy on the corner?

However He chooses to speak today, Beloved…


Happy Monday

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