Live By the Spirit One-a-Day Thursday    11/17/16

A life worthy

So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. (Galatians 5:16).

Remember the story about the Indian boy who dreamt that he had two wolves fighting inside him?  He went to his grandfather, who explained that the wolves represented good and evil.  The kid asked which wolf would win the fight, and the wise grandfather replied, “The one that you feed.”

You don’t remember that story?  Oh, well, it was a story.  Trust me.

Anyway, there’s truth there.  All day long today, you are going to make choices about how to spend your time.  No matter how busy you are with the stuff that has to be done, you will still have a few minutes here and there that are at your discretion.  How will you spend those moments?  

Will you take the chance to connect with God, or with social media?  

Will you soak in a moment of worship, or check out the latest hate rant about the election?  

You could fire off a quick prayer for those you love–or those you don’t love but are called to–or you could engage in that secret sin while the angels weep.

Not to get too heavy, but you know what I’m talking about.

Beloved, living by the Spirit is not performing some huge, momentous act that rocks the cosmos and brings thousands to their knees in a solemn prayer.

Although, if you can do that, please do…and tag me in the pictures.

Living by the Spirit is a thousand small choices that define you and your relationship with Jesus.  It’s the endless small sacrifices of time that demonstrate your priorities before God and Man and Self.

Caveat for my daughter and others who are getting twitchy–I’m not saying that you can never relax, or that you have to monitor and judge every moment of every day.  That way lies madness. I’m just saying that we make choices with our time, and we should choose the things that will bring us closer to God.

So, yes, Beloved, it’s OK to watch the kitten in a teacup video…just maybe not for the 1000th time.

I gotta go now. There’s this set of 800 Star Wars memes on Facebook that I have to get back to.

I’m a mess.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

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