Still Chosen One-a-Day Thursday  9/19/24

A life worthy

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will…(Ephesians 1:11).

There’s that word again.


OK, so there’s a theological debate out there. When Paul says “we,” is he talking about all believers, or just the Jews? And if there’s predestination, what about free will? The Bible’s pretty clear that we have to choose Christ, so…?

Beloved, I’m a big believer in keeping things simple. Paul addresses this letter to “The saints, the faithful in Christ Jesus.”

That sounds like all who believe, if you ask me.

Granted, nobody has asked me.

So, while I am always open to being schooled in theology, until someone convinces me otherwise I’m gonna stick with what the words say.

He chose you.

His plan–his perfect, unbeatable, fromthebeginningofalltime plan–includes you.

You–with all your bumps and barnacles–are part of God’s will.

So, take that into your day.

And your life

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

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