Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute… (Psalm 150:3-4)
God is a music lover.
Now there’s all kinds of music, and all kinds of worship. Some of you go for the traditional, hymn-based-pipe-organ-eighteen-verse-four-part-harmony-gimme-my-choir-robe variety of worship.
Some of you need a little head-banging-base-thumping-electric-guitar-screeching-shout-to-the-Lord-and-give-me-an-Advil-for-my-migraine kind of worship.
Some of you go for the nose flute and hand ocarina.
Probably not many, though.
Guess what? God likes it all. If it’s done with all your heart, and it’s done for his glory, it’s worship. It may not be my style, but it’s his.
So grab your nose flute and let ‘er rip.
Happy Wednesday, Beloved.