Self-Seeking One-a-Day Wednesday 7/19/23  

A life worthy

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking… (1 Corinthians 13:5)

Remember that part where it’s not about me?

It’s still there.

Been there a long time now, and frankly, it’s getting a little annoying.

Let me use my time-travel superpower to peek into next week, when it will surely be about me…

I’m back. It’s still not about me.

When will I learn,  Beloved? When will I get it through this noggin of mine that love is about the other, not about me? When will I stop pausing to see if anyone notices my patience, my kindness, my complete lack of boastfulness and enviosity and my utter other-seekingness? When will I lose myself in love and forget about Michael, forget to even consider how loving this person might affect me because me is not what matters; me is not why I’m here?

I’ve  been this way a long time now, and frankly, it’s getting a little annoying.

Let me use my time-travel superpower to peek into next week, when I will surely have learned…

I’m back. 

Oy, I’m a yutz.

Happy Wednesday. Beloved.

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