Rejoice   One-a-Day Thursday 7/25/24

A life worthy

Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your–

Please. No

Paul’s not talking about happy-clappy-fakey-smiley-insipid nonsense.  

Because sometimes life hurts.  

A lot

If ever a man knew that, it was Paul.  Beatings, stonings, shipwrecks, betrayal, imprisonment–not exactly moments of fluff and delight.

And yet he rejoiced.  How did he do that?

How can we?

It comes down to counting your blessings.  Look, I know how tired and worn out that phrase is, but the concept does work.  If I stop to enumerate all the ways God has shown his love for me, the list becomes quite long and my mood much improved.

Or, if you’re in a bit of a hurry, you can go for the shortcut list:

#1 The God of the Universe knows me completely, and loves me completely.

Uh…sorry…did you need a #2?

It’s Thursday.  Rejoice, Beloved.

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