Peace One-a-Day Monday  7/29/24

A life worthy

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, and with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).

This one falls squarely into the, “Easier said than done” category.  I mean, it sounds like an impossible command–

Don’t let your stomach growl.

Don’t think of the color blue.

Don’t breathe.

Don’t be anxious.

Frankly, it’s one of the only times in Scripture when I want to poke Paul in the eye.   And when I get anxious, please don’t throw this verse at me, because I might just poke you in the eye.  Because sometimes, after I’ve prayed and petitioned and thanksgivinged and presented…I’m still anxious.

And then I feel like a failure. 

I feel like I’ve sinned.

It is my sincere prayer that you have no idea what I’m talking about.

But I’ll bet you do.

So, what to make of this?  

I take this moment to remind you that I am not a Bible scholar, just a Michael.  But here’s what I think…

Worry is sin, because it represents a lack of trust in God.  If I really, truly, nose-to-toes believed that God was in control and looking out for me, I wouldn’t worry.  So yes, it is sin–and yes, the blood of Christ covers that sin, just as it covers all my other sins.

You see,  I’m that work in progress we’ve talked about before.  So, like Peter, I take my eyes off Jesus, and I look at the waves, and I sink.  

And, as with Peter, Christ stretches forth his hand and rescues me.  

Though I worry, I don’t despair.

Though I worry, I don’t give up.

Though I worry,  I don’t let go.

He guards my heart and my mind.  And even if I don’t always feel peace descend like a warm blanket to wrap me in cuddliosity, I know that it is there. Here’s a thought…maybe God’s peace is less like that blanket and more like the cop who patrols the night, keeping dangers I’m not even aware of at bay so that I can rest in safety.  Guarding me.

After all, we call them peace officers, don’t we?

Happy Monday, Beloved.


Peace One-a-Day Monday  7/29/24 — 2 Comments

  1. Well-said, as always, Michael, but I’m sorry to say, I really relate. Your post amuses and yet soothes a soul feeling troubled about feeling troubled.

    Thanks. And thanks for the great analogy! I love the idea of Christ as my Peace Officer.

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