Believe One-a-Day Monday  2/21/22

A life worthy

Consider Abraham: “He believed God…” (Galatians 3:6).

This is one of my favorites.

Paul says, “He believed God,” not, “He believed in God.”

Chew on that one for a minute.

Sometimes, all God wants is for you to believe him.

Believe that he loves you.

Believe that he has a purpose for you.

Believe that he loves you.

Believe that you are enough.

Believe that he loves you.

Believe that you are forgiven.

Believe that he loves you.

Believe that he has chosen you.

Believe that he loves you.

Believe that you will be his forever.

Believe that he loves you.

Believe that you are utterly complete in him.

Believe that he loves you.

Believe that he loves you.

Beloved, sometimes it is hard to believe all the promises that God has made.  We are somewhat accustomed to people breaking promises.

But your God calls you to believe him,

and he’s trustworthy, ya?

Happy Monday, Beloved

The Gift One-a-Day Friday    2/18/22

A life worthy

Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?(Galatians 3:5)

Hold on a second.

Read that verse again.

Not to be dense or anything, but do you realize what you just read?


God has given you his Spirit.

The Holy Spirit of God lives in you.  He just…gave it to you.

That’s crazy–no offense, but it is.

God has worked miracles in you, through you, for you.


from God

to you.


Is there any way you could ever imagine that you could possibly earn such a gift?

Enjoy the blessings, Beloved.  You don’t deserve a-one of ‘em!

Happy Friday.

Not for Naught One-a-Day Thursday    2/17/22

A life worthy

Have you suffered so much for nothing–if it really was for nothing? (Galatians 3:4)

If you can do it on your own, then the cross wasn’t necessary.

If the cross wasn’t necessary, then your suffering for Christ is meaningless.

If your suffering is meaningless, then you are an idiot fool person making unwise choices.

Look, chances are none of you reading this has known the kind of suffering that the early church had to deal with.  Still, following Christ has cost you, in some cases dearly.  Are you sure the cost is worth it?

I mean, reallytrulydowninyourbones sure?


Oh, just one more question: Why are you still trying to make it on your own?

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Begin Again  One-a-Day Wednesday    2/16/22

A life worthy

Are you so foolish?  After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? (Galatians 3:3)

Do you remember how it was in the beginning?

Not THE BEGINNING–none of us is that old, even if it feels like it on a Wednesday morning.  No, I mean your beginning.  Do you remember how it was when you first gave your heart to Christ?  How you trusted him completely, how you knew you were utterly incapable of doing this on your own and so threw yourself at his feet?

Yeah, that was a good time.  You stayed out of God’s way and let him do his work.  And he did good stuff.  What do you think–could you go back to that place?  Can you get yourself back to that state of total dependence on God?

No–you can’t get yourself there.


you can ask God to take you there, which is kinda the point, ya?

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Love One-a-Day Monday 2/14/22

A life worthy

…God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

It’s Valentine’s Day, right?

OK, so let’s talk love.

Forget the hearts and flowers.  Forget the candy.

OK, remember candy.  Candy is good. But set it aside for the moment.

Seriously–put the candy down.

Real love sacrifices.  Real love gives, even when there is no reasonable expectation of a return on the investment.  Real love sees you at your worst, and does not turn away.

While we were still sinners.  While we were totally unworthy and unlovable.  Beyond pot bellies and vanishing hairlines. Beyond bad hair and no makeup.  While we were steeped in darkness, inside and out, Jesus died for us.

For you.

Want him to prove his love?

He did.  We call it the Cross.

When I write these One-a-Days, I often call you “Beloved.”  I’m not putting the moves on you, nor am I trying to be J. Vernon McGee. I’m praying, along with Paul, that you, “May…grasp how high and long and wide and deep is the love of Christ.”

In the Song of Songs, God gives us a picture of the love between a man and a woman.  Beyond that, though, he paints a picture of Christ’s love for his Church.

He calls the Church his Beloved.

He calls you his Beloved.

And so you are.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Beloved.

This is Not the Savior You are Looking For One-a-Day Friday  2/11/22

A life worthy

You foolish Galatians!  Who has bewitched you?  Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified (Galatians 3:1).

You know the scene.  Star Wars–the real one, the first one.   Luke and Obi Wan–the real one, the first one–are on their way to the spaceport, and they are stopped by stormtroopers.  The troopers are on the lookout for two droids, which are obviously sitting in the vehicle in front of them.  Luke is scared, but Obi Wan does a little zip-zappety-zing-zang-force-ninja business and says, “These are not the droids you are looking for.”

And they buy it.

Paul’s words here make me think of the stormtroopers’ boss, reviewing the security tape later that day.  I imagine it went something like this:

“What was that?  The droids were right there!  You saw them!  They were obvious!  Some old dude waves his hand, and , what….you went blind?

You foolish stormtroopers!

You foolish Galatians!

You foolish Michael.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Not for Nothing One-a-Day Thursday    2/10/22

A life worthy

I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing(Galatians 2:21).

Think about it.  When we try to work our way to heaven, when we try to be good enough, 

smart enough, 

strong enough,

stable enough,

blah blah blah enough

we are saying that Christ didn’t need to die,

that we can do this on our own.

We are setting aside the grace of God.

Wow…um…let’s not do that, ya?

Because I can’t think of anything in all the world scarier than having to be

good enough, 

smart enough, 

strong enough,

stable enough,

and blah blah blah enough.


Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Faith One-a-Day Wednesday    2/9/22

A life worthy

The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20).

Frankly, I don’t know how those non-believer types do it.

I mean, to wake up every morning and move through the day, not knowing that you are forever, that you are loved by the Lord of Everything, that you are forgiven for being…you.

I’m telling you, I can’t make it three steps without throwing myself headlong onto the throne of grace.

We live by faith, Beloved.   And Faith is another word for Trust.  We trust that, whatever comes, we are safe because Christ loved us and gave himself for us.

Whatever comes

Even if it’s Wednesday

You are safe.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Dead and Alive One-a-Day Tuesday    2/8/22

A life worthy

I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me (Galatians 2:20).

You are not your own.

It’s not your body

not your mind

not your soul

not your money

not your time

not your stuff



You belong to him.

Now, if we were talking about anybody else I’d be calling the Creeper Patrol and loudly asserting my rights as a free agent in the universe.

But we’re not talking about anybody else.

We’re talking about the Lord of the Universe, who also happens to be

the Lord of You.  He is the only one who has earned the right–by virtue of who he is and what he has done–to rule your life.

So, you know…let him.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved