Going Along One-a-Day Tuesday    4/5/22

A life worthy

Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? (Galatians 5:11)

Good point.

Paul was fighting against his culture, and it was fighting back.

Nothing much has changed.  Beloved,  if we are men and women of God, we are called to stand against both the depravity of the world and the pseudoreligious legalism of some in the Church.  There will be push-back.  As much as we are called to live at peace with those around us, we cannot and must not “go along to get along.”

Are you prepared to fight, Beloved?  Are you willing to stake your claim on biblical truth, and hold your ground against all comers?  It won’t be pretty…but then neither was the cross.

We aren’t called to pretty.

We’re called to truth.

Stand firm, Beloved.

Happy Tuesday.

Penalty One-a-Day Monday    4/4/22

A life worthy

I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view.  The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty (Galatians 5:10).

When  I think of all the people I don’t want to be, this guy makes my short list.  

Beloved, your Lord adores you.  He wants nothing to come between the two of you.  He promises to defend you and to crush anything that dares to pull you away from him. He’s a big brother and a jealous lover and a protective dad all rolled into One.

And then some.

You are his, so you are safe.

Rest in that today.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Rise One-a-Day Friday    4/1/22

A life worthy

A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough (Galatians 5:9).

Remember the I Love Lucy episode where  Lucy decided to bake her own bread?  

You don’t?  Friend, you need to spend a little quality time researching that!  Anyway, there is an episode in which Lucy wants to do things the old fashioned way, and she figures she’ll make her own bread from scratch.  She gets confused as to how much yeast she should use, so she just dumps some in.  The yeast does it’s yeasty-thing, and the bread begins to rise.

And rise.

At some point Lucy opens the oven door and is attacked by a loaf the size of a 1972 Country Squire station wagon.

Trust me, that’s big.

It didn’t seem like a lot of yeast, but the results were devastating.

Those ideas that get into your head from, well, wherever–they seem so small.  But they’ve got a way of working through the dough of your spirit and causing a whole lot of damage.

You should pray more.

You should give more.

You should serve more.

You should do more.

You should be more.

So small, these thoughts–but so potent.

Sweep out the yeast, Beloved.

Happy Friday.

Persuasion One-a-Day Thursday    3/31/22

A life worthy

That kind of persuasion does not come from the One who calls you (Galatians 5:8).

Here’s a good rule of thumb: if it doesn’t glorify God, it isn’t from God.

Simple enough, ya?

So when those “I’m not enough.  I gotta do more God stuff and earn His love” thoughts come sneaking in, you can be sure of something.  

They may come from society,

They may come from your own mind.

They may come from our Enemy.

They do not come from God.

He hasn’t called you to be perfect.

He has called you to be his.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Distractions  One-a-Day Wednesday    3/30/22

A life worthy

You were running a good race.  Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? (Galatians 5:7)

Good question, Beloved.  Time for just a tad of self-analysis today.  Those thoughts that tell you you’re not good enough, smart enough, godly enough, blah blah blah enough…where are they coming from?  Who puts them into your head?  

I ran track in high school.  My coach used to say that each of us should run his own race, not constantly changing pace or strategy because of what the other runners were doing.  Wise advice–made good sense.  But sometimes another runner would cut in on you, throw off your stride.  It was so easy to forget the race you knew you should run and start chasing the other guy.  

Usually didn’t work, by the way.

Run your own race today, Beloved.  He’s got the course marked; you know what to do.

Happy Wednesday.

Express Himself One-a-Day Tuesday    3/29/22

A life worthy

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value.  The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love (Galatians 5:6).

Love…an expression of faith.

I like it.

When you are trying to justify yourself through works by observing the Law, following the rules, or just being “good enough,” you are totally focussed on yourself.  You kinda have to be–you’re examining everything you do to see if it measures up.  That doesn’t leave a lot of room for others on your priority list.  I know that when I’m in a Law frame of mind, even the things I do for others are recorded and evaluated on my mental “How’m I doing?” list.  Even my acts of love are examined in the light of how they help me.

But faith…now faith is inherently selfless.  It acknowledges that you have nothing to do with your own justification and must rely completely on God.  Your eyes are on him, and not yourself.  When you are in this place, God shows you the needs around you.  You act, not as a means of improving your stats on Eternity’s Scoreboard, but out of the overflow of the superabundance of enoughness in your heart. 

It’s a good place.

I need to spend more time there.

Care to join me?

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

One Day One-a-Day Monday    3/28/22

A life worthy

But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope (Galatians 5:5).

One day

the weakness

the sinfulness

the foolishness

the laziness

the blindness

the fleshiness

will be gone


like that.

The Son will rise, and all that is not of Him will burn off like the morning mist, and we will be what and how and who He called us to be.

At last.

Today, Beloved?

Oh, let it be!

Amen.  Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Stepping Away One-a-Day Friday    3/25/22

A life worthy

You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace (Galatians 5:4).

We use that term–fallen away.  Even Paul uses it, and I’m not going to argue with Paul. But falling is an accident; you don’t do it on purpose.  I would suggest that when we try to earn our justification we are actually stepping away from the throne of grace.  It’s intentional, at least on some level.  We choose it.

Bad choice, by the way.

Of course, the choice to step away results in a fall.

Kinda like stepping off of a building

or out of an airplane.

And sin, like gravity, pulls us down 

and away

and it’s really unlikely that you’re going to climb back up by yourself.

Hold tight to grace today, Beloved.

Happy Friday

Choice One-a-Day Thursday    3/24/22

A life worthy

Mark my words!  I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.  Again I declare to everyone who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law (Galatians 5:2-3).

Let’s not focus on the whole circumcision thing, OK?

Because, frankly, it makes me squirmy.

Circumcision was a symbol of the Law, of the old covenant God had with his people.  Christ had fulfilled the Law; he had finished it.  The Law wasn’t like a buffet–”I’ll take a little of this, a little of that, no thanks, that dish doesn’t agree with me.”  If a believer chooses to stake their claim to righteousness on some point of the Law, then they will be judged according to all of it.

And we all know how that tends to work out.

So, what’s it gonna be, Beloved?  Are you trusting Christ, or are you going to handle this yourself?  In the end, you can’t have both.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Freedom One-a-Day Wednesday    3/23/22

A life worthy

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1).

Today is Independence Day.  Maybe not on the calendar, but in our hearts. Today we celebrate our freedom.   Christ has set us free from our bondage to sin.  He has set us free from our need to try and earn our salvation, to somehow save ourselves.  He has set us free from the stress and worry and angst and anxiety which so often attack us.

Hear me, Beloved.  I’m not saying that those things are gone.  On the contrary, sin and self-righteousness and anxiety are still very much evident in this world and, at times, in our lives.  What I am saying is that you are no longer in bondage to them.

When Paul wrote the above verse to the Galatians he was talking about freedom from the Mosaic Law.  Some Jews had chosen to follow Christ, but still felt compelled to meet the demands of the old covenant.  Paul was pointing out that a person who has Christ no longer needs the old law, and to try and follow it is to be like a slave who, once free, returns to his chains.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that, for some of us, worry and stress operate in the same way as the Mosaic Law.

It’s about power.

The Judaizers liked the Law because it gave them a sense of control over their destinies.  They had rules to follow, stuff to do, that they thought would get them to Heaven.

“But Michael, I don’t worry because I feel powerful.  I worry because I feel powerless.”

Yes, but it’s still about power.  About control.  You worry because you know you are not in control, and you desperately want to be.  Because if you’re not in control, someone else is, and there’s a part of you that just cannot handle that.

I’m in the same boat, by the way.  May I steer?  Of course not.

Sometimes trust seems beyond our grasp.  And without trust, there is no rest.

So let’s pray for trust today, shall we?  I’ll pray for you, and you for me.  Maybe we can both be set free.

Today is the day to celebrate your independence.

And your dependence.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.