Crucified One-a-Day Thursday    5/12/22

A life worthy

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires (Galatians 5:24).

Crucifixion, as you probably know, is a painful process.

It’s supposed to be.

Crucifixion was not designed to be a quick, merciful death, but to utterly destroy the one being punished.  And it worked beautifully, in all known cases.

You know…except one.

But the offenders did not die immediately.  They lingered for hours, even days, before succumbing to the inevitable.  Death was a given, but still they fought, thrashed, cried out.

So don’t be surprised if your sinful nature still raises its head and calls out to you.  Don’t be surprised if it fights and clings to life.  That’s to be expected.  Just remember–it has been crucified.  Its death is inevitable, no matter how much noise it makes.  And you aren’t required to stand and stare at it in fascination.  You don’t need to answer its piteous cries for help.  You may turn and walk away.

So turn around, Beloved.  Start walking.

Happy Thursday.

His One-a-Day Wednesday    5/11/22

A life worthy

Those who belong to Christ Jesus…  (Galatians 5:24)

Stop right there.

Let’s begin the day with a quick heart check.  As you read the above words, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus,”what was your gut reaction?

A.  Did you just blow right past it, doing the obligatory read so you can get on with your day?

B.  Did you rebel just a bit–or just a lot–thinking about how you’re your own person and you don’t belong to anyone, while images of slavery and oppression ran through your head?

C.  Did you feel guilt, knowing that you just don’t measure up to what a Christ-follower ought to be?

D.  Did you smile, feeling peace and joy and contentment run through you at the thought that he loves you, that the Creator of the Universe has called you to be his own, that you are completely, irrevocably, thoroughly his?

I know what the answer is supposed to be, but that’s not what I asked, now is it?  

May I suggest that you make time this morning to go before the Throne of Grace and let your Lord refresh, renew, restore that heart before you take it into the day?

I’ll be right there beside you.  But don’t worry…there’s room.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Lawless…in a Good Way     One-a-Day Tuesday    5/10/22

A life worthy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law (Galatians 5:22-23).

No law

No restrictions

You can be just a loving, just as patient, just as gentle as you want to be.

You can have all the joy and peace and self-control you can handle.

Feel like being kind, good, or faithful?  Go for it, Baby!

You don’t have to pray about it or ask permission.

The sky’s the limit.

Go crazy, Kid.

Well, now…that sets a tone for the rest of the week, ya?

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

Self-Control One-a-Day Monday    5/9/22

A life worthy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

If you read last Wednesday’s post, you need not wonder about my level of self-control.

On the other hand, I teach twelve-year-olds for a living, and I’ve never hit one with a stick, so maybe I’m learning.

That’s the thing about self-control.  You are trying to control the self, the will, the flesh, the part of you that wants, not to be controlled, but to be in control.

The part of you that strives against Almighty God.

Does that mean that every time I go back to sleep when I should go to the gym, or play on Facebook when I should be getting work done, or blah blah blah when I should Ta Daaaaaaaaaa! that I’m sinning against God?

Be careful, Beloved.  That way lies madness.

Yes, our blatant slovenliness is a reflection of our sin nature.  That’s why it’s not counted as a fruit of the Spirit.  But you know what?  Most of the people I know–probably including you–already acknowledge and confess and beat themselves up about it.

News Flash–you’re not perfect.

News Flash 2–you will be.

Let the Spirit do his work, Beloved.  The fruit will ripen.

Happy Monday.

Gentleness One-a-Day Friday    5/6/22

A life worthy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness…  (Galatians 5:22-23)

I am not, by nature, gentle.

At least, that’s what my family and friends and students and fellow drivers tell me.

But, hey–what do they know?

That is why, on those somewhat rare occasions in which I engage in gentleosity, I know that the Holy Spirit is at work in me.  And the Spirit does work in us, Beloved, producing fruit that is at odds with our nature.

Because, let’s face it–anything truly good is at odds with our nature.

Praise God that he works in us, through us…and in spite of us.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Faithfulness One-a-Day Thursday    5/5/22

A life worthy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness…  (Galatians 5:22)


Old Faithful

The term conjures up images of geysers and hound dogs and brings along words like reliable, dependable, stable.


Better to be known as exciting, mysterious, edgy, unpredictable, dangerous.

Maybe…in books and movies.

But in real life, we long for faithfulness.  It means you will be there, day in and day out, come hell or high water.   You will not be distracted or enticed or driven from your commitments, your promises, your oaths.

You will reflect the nature of God.

Hence the fruit of the Spirit.

How many homes have been destroyed by faithlessness?

How many hearts?

Too many

Embrace boring, Beloved.

Happy Thursday.

Goodness One-a-Day Wednesday    5/4/22

A life worthy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness…  (Galatians 5:22)

When I was a little kid, I tried to be a good boy.

No, seriously…I did.  And, except for a few experiments with alcohol fires and the unexplained throwing of a rock at my neighbor’s window–seriously, I don’t know why I did that–I was good.

Well, I mean, there was that time I hit the neighbor kid with a golf club, and the time my cousin’s cap gun went missing and ended up in my pocket, and the time I tried to teach myself to drive and mowed down a fence with my mom’s car, and the time I “egged” a guy’s house–and father–because, well, yeah, and the time I employed evasive driving maneuvers against the police because one more ticket would cost me my license, and of course the tickets leading up to the need for evasive maneuvers…

So maybe I wasn’t so good.

And maybe neither are you.

But remember, the Holy Spirit is at work in you, and he will produce fruit.

So you do what you can, and he’ll do what he can.

And there will be good.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Patience One-a-Day Monday    5/2/22

A life worthy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience…  (Galatians 5:22)

I could make a bunch of patience jokes, but who has time for that?

Ba da Bing!

The essence of patience is that you put yourself on God’s time rather than your own.  You acknowledge that God knows everything you know, plus everything you don’t.  You recognize that he sees far beyond the moment in which you’re stuck behind some…person…who doesn’t seem to know what the pedal on the right is for.  You admit that maybe God has it all–even your commute–under control.

You trust him.

Beloved, when we come right down to it, that impatience is another part of the whole control thing.  You want it your way and in your time because you want to be Captain, to be Master,

to be God.

If you can just release that need for control and trust the Holy Spirit at work within you, you will procure a profound peace and a plethora of patience.

At least, that’s what they tell me.

Happy Monday, Beloved.