Hold On Tight One-a-Day Monday  10/16/23

A life worthy

By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain  (1 Corinthians 15:2).


In vain?

For crying out loud, Paul! Couldn’t you leave well enough alone? I was feeling all warm and fuzzy and gospely, and then you had to go and throw in, “Otherwise, you have believed in vain.” Does this mean I can lose my salvation?

Breathe, Beloved.

Go back up and read the whole verse.

The condition is there–if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. What word is Paul talking about? Well, he’s going to go into that in a minute, but for the nonce let’s focus on this phrase.

Do you hold firmly to the gospel, Beloved?

I mean, have you staked everything on it? Is the truth of Christ’s love at the very center of your identity?

Then you’ve got nothing to worry about.


if you want to tell me that Jesus is a great addition to your life, that he’s your buddy, your copilot, your spiritual counselor…

then you’ve got issues, because Jesus allows for none of that.

He is, first and last, your King

your Lord

your God.

The world doesn’t believe it, but then you are not of the world, are you?

Are you?

Happy Monday, Beloved

Reminder One-a-Day Friday 10/13/23

A life worthy

Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand (1 Corinthians 15:1).

Paul is about to pivot from worship etiquette to simpler subjects, like Christ’s resurrection, and our resurrection, and what kind of body we’ll have…

You know–the easy stuff.

But before he goes there, he pauses for a quick reminder of the reason we’re all here in the first place.

Thanks, Paul. You’re a real mensch.

I am so very thankful that God had folks like me in mind when he gave us Scripture. He knows my tendency to drift, to get caught up in minor things and forget the main point. He knows that I am the inspiration for the dog chasing squirrels meme.

And He loves me anyway.

So He reminds me.

And though I know you don’t need the reminder, I appreciate your patience with me.

Happy Friday, Beloved

Order  One-a-Day Thursday 10/12/23

A life worthy

Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way  (1 Corinthians 14:39-40).

The sun rises and sets.

The tide comes in and goes out.

The stars are so firmly set in their patterns that we can know what the night sky looked like 1000 years ago and how it will look 1000 years from now.

Rain will come the day I wash my car.

Beloved, we have been given a world of order, by a God of order.

So often, it is we who bring chaos.

One of the great arguments in favor of the existence of God is the very nature of the world around us, the abundant evidence for a divine design. 

That Designer does not emulate us; He calls us to emulate Him.

When we enter His sanctuary, our worship should not be random or tumultuous, but should reflect the God we worship.

Don’t get me wrong–I’m not saying that God is predictable. My life is full of “Well, I never saw that coming” moments.

No, He is not predictable


He is consistent.

He is trustworthy,

like sunrise

or gravity

or grace

Happy Thursday, Beloved

God is Really Among You One-a-Day Wednesday 10/11/23  

A life worthy

So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and some who do not understand or some unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your mind? But if an unbeliever or someone who does not understand comes in while everyone is prophesying, he will be convinced by all that he is a sinner and will be judged by all, and the secrets of his heart will be laid bare. So he will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, “God is really among you!”  (1 Corinthians 14:23-25).

Wait a minute

Just a couple of verses ago, Paul seemed to be saying that the gift of tongues in the Church was for a sign for the unbeliever, and prophecy was for believers.


Yep, Beloved…it’s confusing. Just when you thought you understood, you come to the understanding that you do not, in fact, understand.

You’re welcome.

If you give it a minute, though, and maybe think about what I said yesterday, this might make a skosh more sense. God is interested in drawing both believer and unbeliever closer to Himself. He can use both tongues and prophecy–as well as any other gift– to accomplish that. What really matters is how the Corinthians were using those gifts. If their service was chaotic, it was likely to drive people away. If it was orderly, people would see the gifts at work, and the Holy Spirit could work on their hearts. 

And that’s the goal, is it not? That the Holy Spirit might work in people’s hearts. The Corinthians tended to lose sight of that goal.

Let us not.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

It is Written One-a-Day Tuesday 10/10/23

A life worthy

In the Law it is written:

“Through men of strange tongues 

And through the lips of foreigners

I will speak to this people,

But even then they will not listen to me,”

says the Lord.

Tongues, then, are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is for believers, not for unbelievers  (1 Corinthians 14:21-22).

Paul is quoting Isaiah here, which seems only fair since so many people quote Paul. In the quote, God seems to be saying that through outsiders–Assyrian invaders, in this case–God was going to speak judgment upon His unrepentant children.  By extension, Paul says that tongues in general are a sign to those who do not follow God. Prophecy, on the other hand, was for believers. They trusted God to speak through His prophets, and would listen to His word through them.

I don’t know about your local church, but I am unlikely to see either tongues–Assyrian or other–or prophecy in my church on a Sunday morning. Does that mean that we are way out of biblical compliance?

Well, we might be–but I don’t think it’s because of this.

Beloved, I’ve told you before that I am not going to weigh in on whether or not the gifts are still active in the Church. I just don’t feel competent in that particular arena. What you read in these lines–both of you–are simply the musings of Michael and his big fat study Bible. Besides, I think that focusing on these gifts is missing the point. At least part of Paul’s message here is that God is at work, through His Holy Spirit, to draw both believers and unbelievers closer to Himself. As the next few passages will show, He wants an orderly worship service, both because it reflects His nature and because He doesn’t want people thinking church is a carnival. Let’s keep our eyes on that particular ball, shall we? God wants our worship to glorify Him and to draw all people closer to Him.

That, I can get my brain around.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved

Forever One-a-Day Monday  10/9/23

A life worthy

…forever  (Psalm 23:6).

For all the tomorrows that will ever be

Until the end of time and then past that

So far in the future that all moments up to now will seem like a blip

That’s forever.

No, that’s a weak and stumbling attempt to describe a concept I can’t even imagine.

Maybe someday, when my soul gets the expansion pack, Michael 2.0 will be able to fathom the concept of forever. Until then, I will have to be content to wonder and praise.

The Lord is my Shepherd.


Happy Monday, Beloved

The House of God One-a-Day Friday  10/6/23

A life worthy

…and I will dwell in the house of the Lord… (Psalm 23:6).

Don’t let this part go by too fast.

I’ve read or heard this Psalm so many times that the end often goes by like movie credits. I see it, but I’m not really absorbing it.

Absorb this, Beloved.

We will live in God’s house.

I can’t even get my brain around exactly what that might mean.

Obviously, it means we will be with him, but in what capacity? Earlier in this Psalm we were talking about how God is treating David like an honored guest.

But this goes beyond that.

Guests–even honored guests–don’t live in your house.

That would be family.


God calls us family, and we will live with him forever.

Chew on that today, Beloved.

Happy Friday

Goodness and Mercy One-a-Day Thursday  10/5/23

A life worthy

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…(Psalm 23:6)

I need to know that God is good.

I need to know that God is merciful.

I need to know that those qualities will always be part of my relationship to him.

And praise God, he knows that I need to know.

Beloved, be thankful that these elements of his character will always be there, guiding and guarding and watching over us like…



Stalkers, but in a really good way.

A really, really good way.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

Overflowing One-a-Day Wednesday   10/4/23

A life worthy

…my cup overflows(Psalm 23:5).

Not just what I need.


Eversomuch more

Overflowing abbondanza

So, we’re clearly not talking about my bank account here.

Instead, perhaps, we’re talking about greater things.

Things like my heart

My soul

My spirit

If those things be full to overflowing, I’ll survive a skimpy paycheck.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

Anointing One-a-Day Tuesday  10/3/23

A life worthy

You anoint my head with oil… (Psalm 23:5).

You will be the honored guest.

In Bible times, the honored guest had oil poured on his head to signify the esteem in which he was held. 

Seems an odd way of showing respect, but there you go.

There are other kinds of anointing. For example, shepherds would anoint their sheep, pouring oil on the animals’ heads to prevent fly larvae from burrowing into the skin. So one could say, if one were so inclined, that this passage indicates God’s willingness to care for David, by, you know, keeping the maggots away.

There’s a picture for you.

I’m pretty sure that David was going for the first image. Still, whether the anointing is for honoring, or healing, or rejoicing, the Lord of the Universe has singled out David, and by extension us, for his care and attention.

Pretty amazing, when you think of it.

So think of it.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved