Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born (1 Corinthians 15:7).
Well, I mean, I guess it’s true.
It was a bit of a strange birth, so to speak.
Paul was not one of the disciples. He hadn’t lived and traveled with Jesus for three years. He had not been at Supper, or in the garden, or at the cross, or at the tomb, or in the upper room. Paul had not received the teaching or the promises or the Holy Spirit. Paul had not seen Jesus calm the storm or feed the masses or raise the dead.
Paul had not been on Team Jesus.
To say the least
But once again, Jesus went and did the unexpected,
the impossible,
the vaguely ludicrous.
He chose to transform his avowed enemy into his champion.
I don’t know why–I certainly wouldn’t have picked him.
But then, we’ve been over that before, haven’t we?
Beloved, if you ever think
even for a moment
that you are not good enough
or strong enough
or wise enough
or righteous enough
or godly enough to serve Christ,
know this:
you’re absolutely right.
Then, think of Paul
and bow your head
and rejoice.
Happy Thursday, Beloved