Father One-a-Day Tuesday   12/24/24

A life worthy

Everlasting Father,  (Isaiah 9:6).

I hope you have a great dad.  I hope he is loving and strong and gentle and a daily blessing to your life.  I hope this, not only to make those family Christmas dinners a little less awkward, but because it will give you a better picture of God.  You see, God presents himself to us in many ways through Scripture, but I think the one that hangs most people up is the image of a father.  It can be difficult to see God as loving and caring if your earthly father was cold, distant, or absent altogether.

Look, I’m not gonna get all psychological on you, but I need to point something out.  Whatever your earthly dad did well, your heavenly father does even better.  Whatever your earthly dad messed up, your heavenly father gets right.  He is the perfection we all fall short of.  He is the goal we can never quite attain.  He will always be there to cheer you when you win, and comfort you when you lose.  His advice will always be perfect, and his discipline will always be just.  He will come to all your ball games, all your dance recitals, all your spelling bees.  He will be there at the hospital bed and at the wedding altar.

He will always love you.

Always, as in Everlasting.

Walk in his love today, Beloved.

Happy Tuesday

Mighty One-a-Day Monday  12/23/24

A life worthy

…Mighty God,  (Isaiah 9:6)

We’re almost there. Only two days out from the “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” part.

So where’s the peace?

As we get closer to Christmas, all kinds of emotions are getting stirred up.  Although we would like to say it’s all about the birth of our Savior, the fact is this can be a really crazy time.  Perhaps you are rushing to wrap—or get—or think of—those last gifts.  Maybe you are frantically trying to get ready to travel—tickets, luggage, ohnowhatdowedowiththedogwhilewe’regone.  Could be you’re preparing to receive guests into your nightmare of a house—good luck with that.

Or you’re moving.

Or someone you love is sick.

Or you’re broke.

Or things are just falling apart.

I mean, I’d love to say I’m focused on what’s ahead, but there’s so much that was supposed to get done this year that still hasn’t been done. Goals I haven’t reached, projects I haven’t completed, promises I haven’t fulfilled, garages I haven’t cleaned.

Oy, you should see my garage.

Does that resonate with you? Even a little?

If it does, well, I am humbled that you’ve taken the time to read this.  Since you have, make the most of the moment.  Let the words soak in:

He is Mighty God.

Read it again.  Go on.

Now, say it out loud.

This King we serve, this Lord we love, this Savior we celebrate is fully capable of meeting the challenges of our day, be they mundane or monstrous.

And he will love us, no matter what our garages look like.

Because we are his beloved.

Because we are his, Beloved.

Happy Monday

Wonderful Counselor One-a-Day Friday  12/20/24

A life worthy

And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, (Isaiah 9:6)

There can be a lot in a name.  My name is Michael, which means, “Who is like God?”  I like that—it’s a constant reminder of the answer…Nobody. When I begin to get a little too big for my proverbial britches, my very name brings me back to earth.

Jesus is called Wonderful Counselor.  Think about it—what does a counselor do?  A good counselor does three things—listen deeply, see to the heart of the issue, and offer wisdom.   So, we serve a God who actually listens to us—listens deeply.  He doesn’t just pretend to listen while he mentally plans out his day, the way I might.  He actually considers every word you speak—and those you don’t.

Jesus also sees to the heart of your issue—after all, he knows you better than you do—remember Psalm 139?  You couldn’t hide the truth from him if you tried, so knock it off already.

Wisdom?  Uh…do I need to point out that his words are the very words of God?  Literally?  Yeah, worth listening to.

You, Beloved, have a Wonderful Counselor.  Walk in his wisdom today.

Happy Friday.

Kingdom One-a-Day Thursday  12/19/24

A life worthy

…and the government will be on his shoulders. (Isaiah 9:6)

Here’s the thing with governments—they’re generally made up of people. And, well, I hate to tell you this, but people tend toward selfishness and greed.

I just heard a bubble burst out there…sorry.

The United States has a system of government known as a Representative Democracy, aka a republic. This is a strong, just, and efficient method of governance that works flawlessly, except when people are ignorant, selfish, cruel, or lazy.


Same holds true for Communism, aristocracies, feudal societies, even theocracies.  On paper, they look great.  It’s when you add the people that things go wonky.

Frankly, the best, strongest, most efficient form of government is a benevolent dictatorship.  The problem with this, of course, is that you can guarantee the dictator part, but not the benevolent bit.


But guess what, Beloved?  The day will come when we will have an absolute monarch, a king of kings, who will rule with complete authority over all nations.  His reign will be perfect, unhampered by greed, unsullied by sin.  He will know what’s best, want what’s best, do what’s best.

He will be what’s best.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

The Baby One-a-Day Wednesday  12/18/24

A life worthy

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…  (Isaiah 9:6)

Babies are amazing.  Tiny noses and toeses and fingernails.  They even smell good.


The feeling of joy, of life, that you get from holding a newborn—it’s…wow.  It doesn’t even have to be your baby. It can be a nephew, or a cousin, or the child of a friend.  Hey, it could be a random kid from the grocery store that you grabbed just for the experience.

Not that you would ever do that because it would be very very wrong and earn you psychiatric evaluations and the serious threat of incarceration.

My point is this: Hope arrives with every baby.

How great is it that God chose to bring Christ to us in this way. Think about it—the Messiah could have appeared fully grown, striding out of the desert on a Tuesday morning.  He could have simply walked into the temple and started preaching. Instead, we get to see him as a baby—yes, so that his genealogy could be verified and so that prophecy would be fulfilled—but also so that we could see the Lord of the Universe willing to humble himself by birth, as he would one day humble himself by death.

Your God loves you so much that he sent a baby—the epitome of life—to call you to eternal life.

Heed the call.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

The Righteous One One-a-Day Tuesday  12/17/24

A life worthy

He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,

or decide by what he hears with his ears,

but with righteousness he will judge the needy,

with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.

He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth;

with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.

Righteousness will be his belt 

and faithfulness the sash around his waist (Isaiah 11:3-5).

Our leaders…


Oh, I’m sure there are some in leadership who are trying their best to do the job wisely and well, but overall I am unimpressed.  I look at the upper echelons of power and I see corruption and narcissism and a fundamental refusal to submit to truth. And this comes from both sides of the proverbial aisle.

It disgusts me.

It frustrates me.

It frightens me.

Then, I read this passage, and peace washes over my spirit.

Go ahead, reread it–I’ll wait…

See what I mean?

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved

The Spirit One-a-Day Monday  12/16/24

A life worthy

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him–

the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,

the Spirit of counsel and of power,

the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord–

and he will delight in the fear of the Lord  (Isaiah 11:2-3).

The Son,

guided by the Holy Spirit,

submissive to the Father,

being what I could not,

and showing me the Way to become


Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Happy Monday, Beloved

Life From Death One-a-Day Friday  12/13/24

A life worthy

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit (Isaiah 11:1).

A stump is dead.

It’s kind of the epitome of dead.

And yet, to quote Miracle Max, sometimes it’s “only mostly dead.”

Sometimes, new life will break out of the stump.

The line of David was dead–stump dead.

Israel was done.

But God wasn’t.

Come, Lord Jesus!

Happy Friday, Beloved of Christ.

Light One-a-Day Thursday  12/12/24

A life worthy

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5).

This is the nature of light and dark.

We instinctively fear the dark and crave light.  In fact, a flashlight or candle or somesuch is near the top of every emergency supplies list. And it’s not just for the practical value–light is also, by its very nature, comforting and encouraging.

The deepest, blackest darkness can be pushed back by the light of a single candle.

Metaphorically and literally

An alternate translation of this verse is, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not understood it. As though if only the enemies of God could really understand his light, his love, his purpose for us…everything would be different.

If only the darkness in me could truly understand…

Someday, Beloved.

Happy Thursday

Life  One-a-Day Wednesday  12/11/24

A life worthy

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind (John 1:4).

Through him all things were made…

Even us.

That life that was breathed into Adam, that spark that separates us from all other creation…

That’s from Jesus.

At the cross, he gave his life to redeem us. But at creation, he gave of his life to bring us life.

Perhaps that is why accepting Christ feels so much like coming home.

Breathe deeply today, Beloved.

Happy Wednesday