
I have pain.

I spent several hours over the past two days cutting back the climbing rose arch that covers the front of our house.  It was #7-C on The List, so it felt good to get it done.  A real sense of accomplishment comes with reducing 30 ft. of diseased and bug-ridden plant life to two bins of wanna-be compost.

But now, the pain. Continue reading

Do Over

It’s the saving grace of many a childhood game.

Party Hats

It’s the secret wish of every man.

It’s the Do Over.

Tell me you’ve never wished for it.  The chance to go back and take the shot, make the investment, show the self-discipline, learn the skill, do the bold and dangerous thing, the “What if?” Continue reading

Fa La La La La

The Clock of Annoyance

I am not fond of the Christmas clock.

Can I just say that right now, and kinda get it out there in the open?  I love Christmas, and I have no problem with clocks as a general rule, but the combination is simply not to be borne.

It’s just a little clock, about eight inches high, standard Christmas motif.  Every hour, on the hour, it plays a Christmas carol.

How sweet.

Not really, no. Continue reading

Oh Christmas Tree

English: A bauble on a Christmas tree.

So let me get this straight.

You kill a tree, or hire someone to do it for you.

You drag said dead tree into your house, rearranging the furniture so as to give it a place of prominence.  You then proceed to cover it with lights, pieces of colored glass and tin, and bits and bobs of food and fluff.

And why is this, exactly? Continue reading

Drama Queens Reprise


This is sucking up the entire holiday season.

I knew it would happen, so I shouldn’t complain—but where’s the fun in that?

Cathy and Carissa have made it through the rehearsal time, and Miracle on 34th Street has officially opened.  I am the proud husband of Pedestrian #1, and proud father of an elf.

Pardon me, not just any elf…Elf J.

Whatever that means. Continue reading

Of Books and Birds

This recipe was not in the book!

I sold my book…and not at a yard sale!!!

Now, lest we get carried away, I should clarify that I sold exactly two copies of my book.  I did, however, manage to give away 231 copies for free.  That goes to show that the readers of this blog are both intelligent and frugal.  I count this a win, not because of the big bucks I raked in (though I can certainly use that $4.10), but because of the lessons learned.  Such as: Continue reading

Just Barely in Time for Thanksgiving…

It’s here!!!!!!

The ebook is done…published…waiting for you…and free for the next 24 hours!!!

Thanksgiving for the Dad-Man is aimed specifically at—as you might guess—dads.  Still, it’s for everybody.  You’ll find a week’s worth of devotions that take you up to and through the holiday.  There’s also some great recipes and ideas to make special memories at Thanksgiving.

Here’s what you do.  Click Here to be whisked away to Amazon Land, where you can download the book.  Next, on the Amazon page, “like” it, check all the tabs, and write a quick review. Then, of course, tell the world that this is THE book for Thanksgiving in your home.

This is way too much fun—THANK YOU!