Fear One-a-Day Monday  1/29/24

A life worthy

Who, then, is the man who fears the Lord? God will instruct him in the way chosen for him (Psalm 25:12).

Fear can be a good thing.

In our culture, we act like fear is something to be avoided at all costs.  Maybe it’s our rebellious, pioneer, Westward Ho! roots.

Perhaps we just don’t understand the healthy side of fear.

Fear is an acknowledgment that something is beyond our scope, beyond our ability to command.  It doesn’t have to be blind, cowering terror; it’s more a healthy respect for power. I fear lethal doses of nuclear radiation.  I fear rabid dogs. I fear really bad haircuts—as a middle-school teacher, this is by far the most dangerous of the three.

I fear God.

But I am not afraid of God.

Of course, nonbelievers have every reason to be afraid; indeed they’re foolish not to be, when considering the consequences of an eternity without Christ.

But I believe.  My name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

I fear God’s power, because I know that he could erase me with a thought.

I am not afraid, because I know he won’t.

He has given us many promises that we who are his are his forever.  Still, that power is there, and he has no qualms about using it to keep me in line should I stray.

Which makes me want to stay very close to him.

And that, Beloved, is the beginning of knowing him.

Fear him today.

But do not be afraid.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

For Your Sake One-a-Day Friday  1/26/24

A life worthy

For the sake of your name, O Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great (Psalm 25:11).

For the sake of your name.

Not mine.

Because my name, frankly, is not worth saving.

But my name is so loud in my own ears that

it drowns out your voice

your wisdom

your word.

Perhaps the only way I can serve you is to stand as the object of your mercy.

That will be enough

and more.

Happy Friday, Beloved

Instruction One-a-Day Thursday  1/25/24

A life worthy

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.  He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way (Psalm 25:8-9).

I’m a teacher.

I teach.

I teach the excellent students, whose eyes are bright with understanding and a deep desire to learn and grow and understand the things of life.

Aaaand I teach the other ones, the ones I lovingly call “pathetic lumps of flesh.”  

I offer what I have to both, because both need it.

Howeversomuchmoreso with God.  He offers his wisdom to saint and sinner, because both desperately need it.

Why does he do this?  I mean, I get teaching your followers, but why waste wisdom on the wicked?  Well, it’s right there at the beginning of the verse:

Because he is good.

Also, I think God remembers something that I tend to forget:

That sinner?

That humble man?

They are both me.  Just depends on when you catch me.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

Selective Memory  One-a-Day Wednesday  1/24/24

A life worthy

Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.  Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord (Psalm 25:6-7).

Selective memory is a beautiful thing.  

David knows who he is.

More than that, he knows that God knows.

David’s asking God to conveniently forget the less savory aspects of his life, and to remember only that he loves David.  My grandma had that ability to pick and choose what she remembered. We called it dementia–perhaps it was a spiritual gift.

Anyway, here’s the amazing thing:  God does it. When God looks at David, he chooses not to remember the sin and rebellion and foolishness.  He sees only his Beloved.

He does the same when he looks at you and me.  

How do I know this?

Well, we’re here, aren’t we?

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

His Ways One-a-Day Tuesday  1/23/24

A life worthy

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (Psalm 25:4-5).

This is a psalm asking for deliverance. David is in a world of hurt here–stressed out, ill, and under attack by slanderous enemies.  I would expect to find David asking for deliverance, healing, retribution, even forgiveness.

I didn’t expect this.

David asks God, in the midst of all this yuck (pardon the deep theological terminology) to teach him to be more like God.


I wish I could tell you that, in the midst of deep physical and emotional crisis, I would ask God to make me more godly. Alas, I am far more likely to ask him to heal me and cause my enemies to explode.

If you decide to stop reading my blog now, I’ll understand.  But, there I am.

Beloved, I hope that God never allows great pain and sorrow into your life. I don’t care if it would make you more godly–I like you too much, and I’m just too selfish.  However, if the yuck of this sinful, broken world has to slop over into your life, I pray that God would use it to show you his ways, teach you his paths, and basically make you more like him.

Just don’t go looking for trouble, OK?

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

Shame One-a-Day Monday  1/22/24

A life worthy

To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.  No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame…(Psalm 25:1-3a).


Not embarrassment…not awkward self-consciousness, but full-blown shame.

Look, I’ve been embarrassed a time or two

or twelve.  

I’ve blown my lines in front of a large audience, I’ve driven my car over a curb amid a symphony of honks and jeers.  I’ve dropped the fly ball that should have been an easy out.

Hey, I once walked into a tether-ball pole in full view of the entire playground.  

I know embarrassment.

But shame, the way David is talking about it here–shame is different.  Shame strikes to the very core of your being. Shame isn’t about what you did.

It’s about who you are.

So…who are you?

If you are a child of God, you cannot be put to shame, because the very core of your being is Christ.

Because you are his Beloved.

So whether your enemy is some guy named Ted, or some disease named Cancer, or some life-wrecker named Self, you will not be put to shame, because your hope is in Him.

But, I gotta tell you, if you walk into a tetherball pole you’ll still feel like an idiot.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Be Strong One-a-Day Friday 1/19/24

A life worthy

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord  (Psalm 27:14).

Maybe today

Might be tomorrow

A week from Tuesday, perhaps

I can’t tell you when he will come to break what needs breaking and heal what needs healing and rescue his Beloved.

I can only tell you that he will.

So, hold on tight

to him.

Happy Friday, Beloved

Before Someday One-a-Day Thursday 1/18/24

A life worthy

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living(Psalm 27:13).

Someday, it will all be perfect.

Someday, our Lord will return for us, and creation will be made right.


He is at work today, too.



Keep your eyes open, Beloved. See him at work in your Today.

You don’t want to miss out.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Enemy One-a-Day Wednesday 1/17/24

A life worthy

Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence (Psalm 27:12).

You have an enemy.

As it happens, he is The Enemy.

Your enemy wants you to fail,

to fall.

He lies about you

and to you.

He wants to separate you from the One who loves you.

But guess what?

He won’t.

He can’t.

Because your life, your soul, your self, is safe in the hands of Almighty God


He isn’t giving you up.

Not now

Not ever

You can bank on that, Beloved.

Happy Wednesday

The Straight Path One-a-Day Tuesday 1/16/24

A life worthy

Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors (Psalm 27:11).

Sounds a little mercenary, if you ask me.

Sounds like David wants to follow God in order to avoid getting smacked by the bad guys, not just because he loves God. 

Does that bother you?

Beloved, I wish all my motives were pure. I wish I went to work solely for the joy of teaching children and helping them to grow strong and wise and capable.

But I also go for the paycheck.

I wish I obeyed traffic laws simply because it is the right and safe and good thing to do.

But I also want to avoid a ticket.

I wish I had accepted Christ only because of his goodness and love and mercy.

But, yeah, escaping eternal death was in the mix, too.

This world is a minefield. You need help navigating it if you want to avoid a spiritual boom. So, yes, we follow Christ in part because it gets us through the day with body and soul intact. But we also follow him because he is worth following. He is the One worthy of our life, our soul, our all.

The only One.

Our motives are mixed, Beloved. They always will be, as long as we’re in this world and in this flesh. But that’s OK. He knows, and he loves, and he waits for the day when we will be purely, wholly, completely his.

Me too.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.