Firstfruits One-a-Day Monday  2/12/24

A life worthy

Hey, remember when we were in 1 Corinthians? Yeah, it’s been a while–I went off down some rabbit holes for a bit. So, here’s a reminder of where we were before we continue…

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Corinthians 15:20).

In the beginning was the Word.

In the new beginning, also, the Word.

Beloved, you know that the firstfruits were the portion of the harvest dedicated to God. It makes sense that this would be Christ, the first raised under the New Covenant. But, of course, the firstfruits were not the whole crop.

They were only the beginning.

The harvest continues, even today.

You and I are part of that harvest, Beloved. Whenever He returns, whether we are in the field or under it, we will follow our Lord into eternal life.

Makes Monday a little easier to bear, does it not?

Happy Monday, Beloved

Israel    One-a-Day Friday  2/9/24

A life worthy

Redeem Israel, O God, from all their troubles (Psalm 25:22).

Good for Israel!

They are God’s chosen people, after all. It makes sense that He would look out for them.

Beloved, do you realize that you are also Israel?

Remember what Paul says to the Romans? He talks about Israel as an olive tree, and says that we have been grafted into the tree and so have become part of the tree.

And so we have become part of Israel.

We have joined God’s chosen people.

And he has redeemed us from the greatest trouble ever imagined.

Shalom, Beloved

Happy Friday

Only in Him   One-a-Day Thursday  2/8/24

A life worthy

May integrity and uprightness protect me, for my hope, Lord, is in you (Psalm 25:21).


He’s talking about God’s integrity and God’s uprightness. Because if we were relying on our own integrity and uprightness to protect us…well…

some thoughts are better left unexplored, eh Beloved?

Happy Thursday.

Refuge One-a-Day Wednesday  2/7/24

A life worthy

Guard my life and rescue me; do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you (Psalm 25:20).


Because I work so hard?


Because I know so much?

huh uh

Because I give my 10%?


Because I offer wise advice?

not so much

Because I have the Jumbo Study Bible with built in concordance?


Because, in the end, I’m such a groovy guy?


Because I’m his.  Hear that, Beloved. Because I’m his, I have the right to claim refuge in him, the right to run to him when I am in distress. Because I’m his I have confidence that the yuck will never get too deep, the mountains never too high, the stress never too much. You have a whole Thursday full of stuff to deal with today. Don’t be afraid to run to your Father and claim the shelter that is rightfully yours.

Because you are the Beloved of Christ.

Happy Wednesday

Enemies  One-a-Day Tuesday   2/6/24

A life worthy

See how my enemies have increased and how fiercely they hate me! (Psalm 25:19).

OK, so I don’t literally have people out to kill me.

To the best of my knowledge

Although I do teach middle school, so…

Still, there are days when finances and job stress and finances and traffic idiots and finances and people and finances and house repairs and finances and car issues and finances leave me feeling that I am surrounded on all sides by people with bad attitudes and pointy sticks. Beyond that, I live in a society that is moving further and further away from the values that I hold and into a nether region of stupidity and sin. It may not attack my body, but it daily attacks my sense of right and wrong.

Not to mention my logic

So, yeah, I can identify in a very small way with David’s plight here. Far more importantly, I can identify with David’s rescue. The Psalmist knew he would be saved, because he knew his savior.

As do I

As do you

Take a deep breath, Beloved of Christ.

Happy Tuesday

Priorities One-a-Day Monday  2/5/24

A life worthy

Look upon my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins (Psalm 25:18).

I don’t think I’ve ever really read this verse before.

I mean, I’ve read over it, but…

David is alone and afraid and hurt and under attack and what does he ask God for?

A clean heart


A right relationship with his Lord

David is a man who understands priorities.

Me? My prayers would probably be more along the lines of, “Heal my body and crush my enemies to powder.”


Let’s see if we can keep first things first today, ya?

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Turn to Him  One-a-Day Friday  2/2/24

A life worthy

Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish (Psalm 25:16-17).

Perhaps as you read this you are on a mountain top,

literally or figuratively.

Life is sweet and every breath is delight.

If so, I rejoice with you, Beloved–enjoy the view.

Perhaps the mountain has fallen on top of you, and you identify with this verse far more than you would like. If so, I’m praying for you, and I’m here to remind you that the God you cry out to is real and is powerful and is listening.

You feel lonely, but you are never, ever alone.

You feel empty, but His Spirit fills you.

You weep, but one day you will laugh with the angels.

Look, I know that those words can feel empty and useless and meaningless in the face of all you’re dealing with today.

But they’re true.

You are loved by the One who knows you better than anyone else.


He knows you


He loves you.

Pretty amazing, ya?

So, if nothing else, rejoice in that today.

Because that’s a lot.

In fact, when you get right down to it

that’s pretty much everything.

Happy Friday, Beloved

Freedom One-a-Day Thursday  2/1/24

A life worthy

My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare (Psalm 25:15).

You are trapped



It doesn’t matter whether the Hunter has trapped you

or you have put yourself here–you’re doomed.

Then he arrives.

He stretches out his hands

and you



Look to your rescuer today, Beloved

and be free.

Happy Thursday

Confident Confidant  One-a-Day Wednesday  1/31/24

A life worthy

The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them (Psalm 25:14).

You know.




You know the story–beginning to end, Alpha to Omega, you know how it all turns out.

You know the secret to eternal life.

You know who wins.

This is better than getting the Lotto numbers the night before they’re picked, better than getting the answers to tomorrow’s test today, better than knowing that the idiot driver is going to stop in the middle of the intersection while there’s still time for you to stop.

Why do you get to know this?

Because you’re amazing?

No, although you are amazing.

Because I’m amazing?

Aww, thank you so much, that’s really sweet, but still a no.

Because you’re his.

That’s it. You’re his, and he wants you to know all you can about him.

That includes his plans.

Not bad for a person who can’t even find their car keys half the time.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Inheritance   One-a-Day Tuesday  1/30/24

A life worthy

Who, then, is the man who fears the Lord? God will instruct him in the way chosen for him. He will spend his days in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land (Psalm 25:13).

Verses like this one bug me.

Yep, I just said that there are portions of Scripture that bug me. Feel free to grab your pitchfork, light your torch, and head over to my house–you won’t be the first.

(Actually, you would be the first. Please do not do that. If you’re offended, you probably should just stop reading…but I hope you won’t do that either.)

You see, I’m a hard core believer in the inerrancy of Scripture, so it bothers me when I read something that I can’t reconcile with the world I see out there. So many believers trust God, fear God, serve God, and yet are destitute. Why?

But Michael, you point out, this Psalm is from the Old Testament. The promises were for Israel; they don’t always apply today. Maybe so, but this really seems to be a general principle of trust and provision, not a specific time-and-place promise. If it is a general principle, the implication is that those who are poor just don’t fear God enough–and that doesn’t fit with what I know about our Lord.

But Michael, you next propose, this is a general rule. It isn’t meant to apply to every single person at every single  moment. Perhaps, but what a bummer for you if you’re the exception to the rule.

But Michael, and here you bring out the big guns, you have to look at it spiritually. We are prosperous in the Spirit, and our inheritance is in Heaven. I hear you, and you’re probably right. We are, of course, children of the King of the Universe, and nothing can compare to that. It’s just that I always feel as if I’m copping out a bit if I classify text as spiritual simply because it doesn’t fit what I see. It’s the kind of thing non-believers point to and say “Ah-HA!”

And I hate it when they say “Ah-HA!”

Fret not, Beloved. My faith remains solid, my stand for inerrancy unchanged. I just like to be honest with you, and this is frustrating. If you have insight on this verse, please share it. In the meantime, I will place it on the shelf with other verses that my mind can’t fully grasp…yet. I will hold on to the fact that I am his, and he is mine, and that is eversomuchmore than enough.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.