Every Day       One-a-Day Tuesday  2/27/24

A life worthy

And as for us, why do we endanger ourselves every hour? I die every day–I mean that, brothers–just as surely as I glory over you in Christ Jesus our Lord  (1 Corinthians 15:30-31).

This is a continuation of the argument in the previous verses. Paul is pointing to the hardships and persecutions he suffered on the daily as evidence that he believed in the resurrection. This same argument has been used on behalf of the Apostles in general. Given the persecution they suffered because they held to the resurrection of Jesus, you can call them mistaken, deceived, even insane, but you can’t call them liars. No one could suffer as they did for something they knew was a lie.

Beloved, I would love it if people could look to my life and be drawn to Christ. I would be honored beyond measure if God used me as an example for others to follow. But I think I would be very satisfied if people could look at my life and say, “He may be crazy, but he sure believes this stuff!”

I think I’m halfway there already.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved

For the Dead? One-a-Day Monday  2/26/24

A life worthy

Now if there is no resurrection, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized for them? (1 Corinthians 15:29)

I almost skipped this verse.

Seriously. This is one of the most head-scratchiest passages in all of scripture, and I am thoroughly unequipped to handle it. Let me remind you that I am no biblical scholar. I am just a Michael, armed with internet commentaries and my trusty NIV Study Bible. And the collective wisdom of those with eversomuchmore knowledge than I have come to a consistent conclusion:

We don’t know what this passage means.

So I guess you could say that I have come to the same conclusion as the most renowned biblical scholars. 

Here’s what I am confident in:

  1. Paul says “those” about the people who are baptizing for the dead. In other words, it’s not something he was doing or prescribing. It was something done by others, to whom Paul did not belong.
  2. Baptism is a sign of our salvation, not a means to it. Whatever these folks were doing, it was not going to result in the resurrection of the dead. Sorry my LDS friends, but that runs contrary to pretty much all  of scripture.
  3. Paul’s focus in this chapter is resurrection, not baptism. In the following verses he will talk about all that he has done and suffered because he believes in the resurrection of the dead. So this verse may be just another example of things people do because they believe strongly that the dead will be raised.
  4. Paul mentions this practice in passing. If it were some massive heretical practice corrupting the Church, we can bet that Paul would have confronted it head on. We’ve certainly seen him do that in other places, haven’t we?

Beloved, this side of Glory there’s just no way of knowing what Paul meant in this verse. It’s OK to wonder, to speculate, to research. But don’t put too much weight in what you think Paul meant. If it were essential to our faith, God would have made it clear and backed it up with other scripture. As for me, there’s plenty of crystal clear scripture that I am not yet living up to. I have no problem leaving this verse on the shelf for a while longer.

Happy Monday, Beloved

Sick One-a-Day Wednesday    2/21/24

A life worthy

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.

Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

In vain you rise early and stay up late, for he grants sleep to those he loves.  (Ps 127:1-2)

There’s no use denying it—I’ve got the crud.  For the last 24 hours, I have hardly stirred from my big green chair.  I have slept, eaten, napped, watched TV, snoozed, scrolled aimlessly through Facebook, slumbered, and slept.

I’ve been sick.

There are no spectacular symptoms I can point you to.  No raging fever, no projectile vomiting, no delirium—at least, none that I’ve noticed. I’m not bleeding, either internally or externally.  Neither pox nor pustules are in ready evidence. It’s just a cold.

Frankly, I almost wish I had some better symptoms.It would kind of justify the time I’ve been out of commission.  When you tell someone that you’re sick, they invariably respond with some variation of, “Oh, I’m so sorry. What’s wrong?  Is it your stomach? Is it your head?” It’s great to have a solid response, like “Yeah, it’s my head. I’ve been bleeding from the eyes for several days now…fever’s at about 107,” or, “It’s weird…I’m covered head to toe in some kind of itchy purple fungus.  The doctor gave me some ointment, and that seems to be helping…”

Instead, I’m stuck with, “It’s just a really bad cold.”  See, even to you I had to add the “really.” And I qualified the statement with a “just,” as though to admit that I know I sound like a punk. And you may say, “Oh, that’s rough.  I know what that’s like,” but inside you’re thinking


“Lazy bum!”

“Weenie boy!”

“Haul your bacon out of bed and get something done!”

Well, maybe you’re not thinking that, but I am.  Because I’ll tell you, Charles Ingalls wouldn’t have called in sick today.  Virus? Ppfeh! That man worked a full-time job at the mill and ran a farm. Weekends?  That’s when he worked in his barn, hand-crafting furniture to put in the house he built by himself.

My plan for today is…maybe…to change from pajamas to sweats.

It’s humbling to be sick.  Frankly, I think that’s one reason God allows it. The occasional virus serves as a reminder that, not only is life not all about me, it’s not up to me.

Unless the Lord builds the house

its builders labor in vain.

Unless the Lord watches over the city

the watchmen stand guard in vain.

In vain you rise early and stay up late,

for he grants sleep to those he loves.  (Ps 127:1-2)

I don’t know about you, but I can get way too caught up in my own importance.  It’s not that I don’t matter. As a husband, and a father, and a teacher, God has given me very important duties.  My problem (and I suspect yours, though I’m too polite and subtle to mention it) is that I start to think that I alone can and must accomplish all that has been set before me.  Though I don’t forget God, I do sometimes relegate him to the position of cheerleader. Of course, it’s when I think I have to accomplish everything that I feel most powerless. When I let myself rest, or when plague forces it on me, I am reminded that there is a God who is knowledgeable, capable, and on my side.


I’m going back to sleep.

Happy Thursday, Beloved

Trinity One-a-Day Wednesday    2/21/24

A life worthy

Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not mean God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:27-28).

The Trinity always makes my head hurt.

Discussing the Trinity, I mean–in no way do I think that God is cursing me with migraines. 

It’s just that this brain of mine has a hard time wrapping around the concept: one God eternally existing in three persons, equal in status, distinct in personality and function. I can put it down on paper–more or less–but in my mind?

I just …huh?

Frankly, it’s not just the Trinity. There’s a lot about God that I don’t understand.

And that’s OK.

Really, how could I trust a God who was completely within my scope of reference? I’m kind of glad that I can’t understand–it reminds me how small I am, and I need frequent reminders.

Someday my mind will be big enough to understand the Trinity, as my heart will be big enough to grasp his mercy.

It probably won’t be today. 

It probably won’t be this side of Glory, which I also can’t get my brain around.

In the meantime, I will revel in the smallness of Michael and the greatness of God.

Care to join me?

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

Death       One-a-Day Tuesday  2/20/24

A life worthy

The last enemy to be destroyed is death  (1 Corinthians 15:26).

The older I get

The more people I lose

The more I rejoice in this verse.

How many times have you heard, or read, or said, that someone, “Lost their battle,” with disease or injury–basically with death.

And we hear the words, “Death, where is your victory?”

Right here, in this room

“Death, where is your sting?”

Right here, in this heart

It’s hard to imagine death as anything other than inevitable



But even death will bow

Even death will confess.

Until then, we wait in hope, and we endure in mercy, and we rest in promise.

Rest in the promise today, Beloved.

Happy Tuesday

Domination One-a-Day Monday  2/19/24

A life worthy

Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet (1 Corinthians 15:25).

The Lord said to my Lord:

Sit at my right hand

Until I make your enemies

A footstool for your feet (Psalm 110:1)

I don’t know exactly how it will happen.

But it will happen.

Every person, every institution, every spirit, every idea, every sin, every thing that stands against God will fail and fall. 

Yep, even that.

Rejoice, Beloved!

Happy Monday

Finis One-a-Day Friday 2/16/24

A life worthy

Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power (1 Corinthians 15:24).


some glorious day,

this  chapter of eternity will be over.

Every person,  every world system, every spirit that has stood against the Lord God Almighty will be 




And we’ll be there, Beloved

too humbled to speak,

too joyous to remain silent,

too full of Him to give Self more than a passing thought.

Man, I can’t wait for Someday.

Happy Friday, Beloved

Death and Life One-a-Day Wednesday    2/14/24

A life worthy

For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22).

Poor Adam

Yeah, you heard me.

He gets the credit for the death of humanity–right there in Scripture, for everybody to see.

That’s brutal.

It gives the impression that it was all his fault.

Now don’t get me wrong–Adam broke the relationship. He chose to disobey God, and in doing so he set the sin ball rolling. He earned his death, and ours.

But here’s the thing:

I am Adam.

I would have taken the fruit.

How do I know?

Because I do it today. Even with a new heart and a clean slate and a mind that is being renewed, I sin.

I choose to sin.

You know, the name Adam means, “Son of the red earth.”

That applies to me as it did to him.

So, while I firmly believe that there was a literal Adam, I also believe that Adam was a type that we all would follow. And do

But, thank God, the verse doesn’t end here…and neither do we.

Thanks to the mercy and grace and goodness and boundless love of our Father, in Christ we are made alive. We, who were born into death, have been reborn into life.

Take a deep breath, Beloved. There is no smell of the grave. You live.

In Him

Through Him

For Him

Because of Him

Rejoice, and live today.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

Adam       One-a-Day Tuesday  2/13/24

A life worthy

For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man  (1 Corinthians 15:21).

It makes sense.

Man broke his relationship with God. Man should fix it.

It’s the “take responsibility for your own actions” philosophy we’ve been taught from childhood.

Except it doesn’t work here.

Yes, I broke the vase, but I can’t unbreak it. I can’t find all the pieces, and even if I could the glue would never hold. I can’t replace it, because it is one-of-a-kind. And even if, by some miracle, a replacement could be found, I could never pay the price.

Man broke his relationship with God–that I could do. 

Man should fix it–but not this man.


God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law…(Galatians 4:4-5).

God did more than provide the solution–He became the solution.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved