Wisdom One-a-Day Friday    8/12/16

A life worthy

Be Thou my wisdom and Thou my true word

I ever with Thee, and Thou with me, Lord

Thou my great Father; I thy true son

Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one

Whence cometh thy wisdom, Beloved?

Sorry…I got a little caught up in the whole Thee and Thou business.

The question, however, is still valid—where do you get your wisdom?  Do you look to the world, with its political leaders and life coaches and self-help gurus?  Do you watch T.V., and adopt the attitudes and mores of the celebrity set?  Do you listen to the prevailing opinion of society, and claim it as wisdom?

Because you know that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God, right?

Like the first verse of this hymn, this one asks God to do more than provide.  It asks him to be.  Be wisdom in me.  Be truth in me.  You see, wisdom and truth aren’t just tools that you can get from God and go off and use on your own, like some sort of spiritual ratchet set.

Though I do find that concept intriguing…

Wisdom and truth come from, and are used in, relationship with the Father.  As we grow closer to him, we grow closer to the source of all wisdom and all truth.  They sorta seep into us, like vitamin D when you’re out in the sun.  They become part of us.  Walking in wisdom and truth then becomes as natural as, well, as walking.

I must admit, I still walk with two left feet and a bit of a stutter step, but I’m working on it.

What about you, Beloved?  Are you spending enough time with your Father to soak in his wisdom, his truth?

Make the time today.  I know you’re busy, but he’s worth it.

So are you.

Happy Friday, Beloved

Vision   One-a-Day Thursday  8/11/16

A life worthy

*note: I’m a teacher and it’s the beginning of the school year and I’m desperate for sleep and so we’re pausing Galatians for the moment.   For the next few days, I’m going to revisit a piece from a year ago about a hymn with special meaning for me.  It may not be Scripture, but I think it has much to teach us about loving Christ.

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart

Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art

Thou, my best thought by day or by night

Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light

I love that it doesn’t say, “Validate the vision that I have for my own life.”

Although that would be catchy.

It doesn’t even say “Lord, grant me a vision for my life,” which is, frankly, about as good as I ever get.

The song says, “Be my vision.”  I gotta admit, I’m not even entirely sure what that means, except that it speaks of total commitment.  The following lines press the thought:

Nothing matters without you.

Be the focus of my thoughts every day.

Being with you is my reason for living.

Oh, Beloved, can we ever reach that level of devotion this side of glory?

I don’t know…but it’s what I want to want.

It will be the song of my heart today.

Proof Positive One-a-Day Wednesday   8/10/16

A life worthy

If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker (Galatians 2:18)

I gotta admit, this verse puzzles me.  On the one hand, it seems clear enough.  If I offer to replace the broken window, it’s pretty compelling evidence that I broke it. If I fix the side mirror on your car, it kinda proves that I’m the one who sideswiped you.   If I say, “I’m sorry,” it shows that I did something wrong.


Unless I’m battling deep-seated guilt and feelings of low self worth.

Which I’m not.

I’m sorry.

Anyway, the point is on the other hand. Christ does not fit this pattern.  He did not destroy.  He was not a lawbreaker.  In fact, he rebuilt that which he did not destroy.  He rebuilt what I destroyed.  

He rebuilt what I destroyed.

So, I’m not exactly sure what Paul is getting at.  He seems to place this verse here as proof for his previous statement, that Christ does not promote sin, but I’m having trouble seeing the connection.  I’m left with the thought that my pathetic attempts to fix my relationship with God under my own strength are simply more proof that Pride is still very much at work in me.

But seriously…what do I know?  If you’ve got a better handle on this verse, please oh please chime in.

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

Still Sinning?   One-a-Day Tuesday  8/9/16

A life worthy

If, while we seek to be justified in Christ, it becomes evident that we ourselves are sinners, does that mean that Christ promotes sin?  Absolutely not! (Galatians 1:17).

Look, the fact that I still sin does not mean that Jesus is OK with it.

He is definitely not OK with it.

The fact that I still sin means that I, trapped in this frail and somewhat pudgy human flesh, have not yet learned to trust Christ completely.  There remains a piece of me–some days tiny, some days ginormous–that wants to wrest control from God and try the whole “Captain of my soul” thing again.  

It never works


still I try.

Call me persistent, or stupid, or…you know…human.

Happy Tuesday, Beloved.

Been There, Done That One-a-Day Monday  8/8/16

A life worthy

We who are Jews by birth and not “Gentile sinners” know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:15-16).

The Jews, of all people, should have known better.

For hundreds of years, the Jews had gone the “Earn your way to Heaven” route.  The pattern they had grown up with–sin, feel guilty, sacrifice, feel better, work hard, fail, sin–it didn’t work, and the Jews who had come to Christ knew it didn’t work.  IF it had, they wouldn’t have needed Christ.  And yet here they were, trying to stuff the endless grace of the Father into a musty sack of old traditions.

Why would they do that?

I dunno, Beloved.  Why do you?

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Counterintuitive One-a-Day Friday    8/5/16

A life worthy

I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up.  I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ  (Galatians 1:11-12).

Grace is not something Man would create.  It runs counted to our nature, to our deep desire for power and control.  No, if Man were to create a religion, it  would involve working and striving and jumping through hoops and walking through fire.  There would be competition and an uncertain outcome.  We would spend our lives doing and doing and doing, trying to look and sound and act and be the way we are supposed to, never quite sure we are good enough or strong enough or wise enough

or, simply, enough.


What’s the matter, Beloved?  Too close to home?

Happy Friday

Approval One-a-Day Thursday  8/4/16

A life worthy

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10).

I like to be liked.

Is that so very bad?  

I had a friend once upon a time who seemed to delight in being obnoxious for Christ.


He approached every nonbeliever as an enemy combatant.  When he witnessed, it was less like teaching than taunting:

Do you follow Jesus?

No?  Why not?

Don’t you realize that if you die without Christ, you’re going to hell?

What do you mean, you’ll think about it?  You could die tonight!

As I write this, I can hear the edge in his voice.  Still makes me twitch.

Beloved, you are an ambassador, and ambassadors tend to accomplish more if people like them.  So, yeah, it’s good to be liked.


Being liked is not your goal.  It’s more of a byproduct of being a Godly person.  If at any point along the journey you have to pick between pleasing people and pleasing God, (and you will), well…


Be winsome, Beloved, but not wimpy.  Stand firm for him.

Happy Thursday.

False Teacher One-a-Day Wednesday   8/3/16

A life worthy

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!  As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned! (Galatians 1:8-9)

There are very few things for which the Bible advocates eternal condemnation.

This, apparently, is one of them.

That oughta give us a clue into just how seriously the Lord takes his plan of salvation.  Think about it.  He paid the highest possible price for you.  Why would he tolerate anybody trying to change the terms?  It’s like agreeing to purchase a home for several million dollars, and then having the agent tack an extra nickel onto the price.

Actually, it’s not like that at all, but I think you can see where I’m going.  How could anything we do add anything significant to what God has already done?  The Lord of the Universe gave his Son for you, and you’re going to…what…give a homeless person a sandwich and call yourself an equal partner?  I think not.

Beloved, we should do good things.  But they should come as a result of the great love that we have already received, not with the expectation that we are somehow wooing and winning God’s favor.  If anybody tries to tell you otherwise, you should make like a bakery truck and haul buns.

Please don’t tell my wife or my daughter about that last part.  They’ll disown me.  

Happy Wednesday, Beloved

False Gospel One-a-Day Tuesday  8/2/16

A life worthy

Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:7).

The people Paul was referring to were called the Judaizers.  They thought that all Christians should follow the Law–basically the rules and rituals observed in Old Testament-style temple worship.  (Yes, I know they didn’t call it the Old Testament, but we do, so shh.)

Anyway, they were basically telling the Galatians that Jesus’ death was not enough.  They needed to follow the rules to obtain and maintain their relationship with God.  The moment they did this, of course, the Judaizers threw grace out the window and reduced Christianity to yet another “Work your way to God” religion.

Paul called that perversion.

Did you think of any “haftas” yesterday?  Take them into your prayer time today.  Ask God to show you whether you are attempting to put your efforts on the level of his grace.  It may not even be on purpose.  There can be a fine line between working to earn his love and working out of the love that already overflows.

So, you know, think about it, pray about it…but don’t stress about it.  That’s just you trying to control things again.

You are adored, Beloved.

Happy Tuesday

Plus What? One-a-Day Monday  8/1/16

A life worthy

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel–which is really no gospel at all (Galatians 1:6-7).

If you’re not super familiar with the book of Galatians, it might help to have a smidge of background.  The church in Galatia had a number of believers who were not of Jewish descent, and so really knew nothing of the Law.  They just grabbed hold of the ideas of love and repentance and forgiveness of sins and they ran with them.  But…the church also had a number of former Jews, who still clung to aspects of the Law, and were pushing the Gentile believers to abide by it.  The situation was, in theological terms, a sticky mess.

Enter Paul, who writes a letter that we read, oh, a couple thousand years later.

And which is still relevant.

So, as we dive in here, there’s a question to ask yourself:  What do you add to Jesus?  Don’t be too quick to answer, there.  Think about it for a while; let it roll around in the old noggin.  What “haftas” have you made part of your relationship with Christ?  We all have them.  They creep in around the edges and muddy our faith.  So, what are yours?  See if you can identify them.  It might make the next days easier

or harder

but definitely more productive.

Happy Monday, Beloved.