Spiritual Ramen One-a-Day Monday    1/23/17

A life worthy

The words in red are calling to me.  Whaddaya say we spend some time with the Sermon on the Mount?  

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3).

You’re not impressing him.  You know that, don’t you?

OK, so you pray, and you read the Word, and you tithe; you even visit sick orphans in prison. That’s great.  I applaud you.  But don’t think that you’re going to parlay that into some kind of spiritual currency.  It just doesn’t work that way.

Man, I sometimes wish it did, but it doesn’t.

Jesus says to be poor in spirit—to recognize that all you have to offer is really not so much at all.  I once survived for three weeks on generic ramen noodles, a dozen eggs, and tap water.  I couldn’t afford shampoo—I used dishwashing liquid. I don’t recommend it.  Needless to say, I did little entertaining during those weeks.  I knew that I had nothing to offer.

When we come to God, we need to realize that we have nothing to offer that he needs.  He owns everything.  He doesn’t need our spiritual ramen.  When we come to him, we need to be poor in spirit.

The tax collector in Luke 18 had it right.  He came with no demands, but with one simple plea: have mercy.  That’s the ticket to the kingdom.

It’s Monday.  The Lord of all stands ready to shower you with his love, his grace, his peace this morning.  You didn’t earn it; you can’t pay for it.  But you will need it before the day is out.  Receive it, Beloved.  Open your heart wide and receive it.

Happy Monday

Do I Have to be a Misogynist?

Do I Have to be a Hater?

Part 3–Do I Have to be a Misogynist?

Michael Burns


So, for those of you just joining, this is the third in a series of articles that asks an honest question of my liberal friends: Does the fact that I disagree with you automatically make me a “hater” in your eyes?

Today we talk abortion.

I’m totally, thoroughly, decidedly against it.  

Now, you have two choices at this point.  You can write me off as a misogynist who wants to control women, or you can read on to see why I believe as I do.  Your call, and hey, no hard feelings.

Still here?  Sweet.  So, here we go.

My thanks to Greg Koukl of the organization Stand to Reason for pointing out what I find to be a beautiful piece of common sense. It goes like this:  When it comes to abortion, there is really only one question, and that question is…

What is it?


What is it that you are trying to kill?  You see, if that is not a human being in there, if it is not an actual living baby, then we have no argument with each other.  I mean, you don’t need a “right” to get a bunion removed, or a cyst or a tumor or a polyp or a goiter.

Do they remove goiters?  I’m not really sure, but you get my drift.

If that thing in your uterus is not a human life, then no one has the right to tell you what to do with it.  If it’s in your way, if it’s annoying, then by all means get rid of it.


if it’s a baby…

We don’t kill babies for the sake of convenience.  If we did, few people would make it out of the toddler stage.  I’ve helped raise two of the little creatures, and I can tell you–they can be really inconvenient at times.  Yet no one fights for the right to retroactively abort because their kid drew with crayon on the walls or their teen totaled the car or their “young adult” forgot to take out the trash before you left on vacation and now the house smells of rotting mysteries.  

But Michael, there’s a big difference between a fetus and a child.

Really?  And what difference would that be?  I mean, a fetus doesn’t look fully human, but neither do a lot of the baby pictures I see posted on Facebook. The fetus can’t survive on its own? Neither can an infant.  Or a three-year-old.  Or most teenagers. The fetus is inside the body, the baby outside?  That would mean that we can abort a full term fetus, but a child born prematurely is protected, even though it is younger.  I can’t see the sense in that.

But Michael,  is it really alive when it’s still in the womb?

Uh…yes.  Again, common sense.  The DNA doesn’t magically change.  From the time sperm hits egg and–SHAZAM–begins to divide, it is genetically identifiable as an itty bitty teeny person, with the same genetic coding it will have when it is old and paunchy and bald.

But Michael, just being alive doesn’t make you a “person.” You have to be more than a bunch of cells to be a person.

You’re right.  There’s more to personhood than just a physical body.  But how do we define it?  My grandma died of Alzheimer’s.  She was bedridden, unable to care for herself, completely unaware of her surroundings.  She had lost all of her personality, all of her ability to interact.  Had she lost her personhood?  Sorry, my friend, but I think it is arrogant in the extreme to assume that we can decide what constitutes personhood.  I’m going to stick with life.

But Michael, what about a woman’s right to control her own body?  Her right to choose?

I believe a woman has the right to choose.  She has the right to choose whether or not she will have sex.  If she chooses to have sex, she does so knowing that pregnancy is a possibility.  Frankly, I think society is being disrespectful of women when we assume they aren’t capable of rational, cause-and-effect decision making.

But Michael, what about rape?

Rape is a horrible crime.  For what it’s worth, I’m open to the death penalty for a rapist.  But not for the victims of his crime.  A little girl conceived in rape–or incest for that matter–had no choice in her conception.  She is a victim, as is her mother.  Frankly, I would never counsel a woman to keep and raise a child conceived in rape or incest.  I can’t fathom the difficulty and pain involved in that.  I would counsel a woman in that situation to give the child up for adoption, where she has a chance to be raised by parents who can look at her and not be daily reminded of the darkest day of her life.

Look, I’m not being frivolous about this.  I can’t imagine asking my daughter to spend nine months growing the baby of an evil man who viciously attacked her.  To endure the changes–some irreversible–to her body.  To go through labor and childbirth just to bring a reminder of humiliation into the world.

But it’s not the baby’s fault.

She doesn’t deserve to die for the sins of her father.

But Michael, what if the life of the mother is in danger?

Here we have the one time that, in my worldview, abortion is a reasonable option.  When it is a question of one life or another, I believe that the mother makes that choice.  And yet I wonder what percentage of abortions are due to rape of incest or danger to the life of the mother?  A very small percentage, I would imagine.  

Michael, you are a man. Who are you to decide what happens to my body?

I’m not dictating what happens to your body.  If you want to get tattoos, shave your head, pierce your parts, that’s none of my business.  I’m discussing what happens to that other body that is in your body.  If a stranger attacks a pregnant woman and kills her baby, we call it murder.  If a doctor kills the child at her request, we call it choice.  How is that rational or moral or good?

We live in a Me First world.  It wasn’t supposed to be this way.  It’s not what the Father designed, nor what his Son taught.  We see this attitude reflected throughout our culture, but nowhere more than in the area of abortion.  It is the height of selfishness to sentence an innocent to death to avoid inconvenience.

Do my words condemn me as a misogynist?  I don’t think so, but I’d love to hear from you.  I know I haven’t covered all aspects of this debate–feel free to comment and tell me what I’ve missed, where I’ve gone wrong.  But I hope you see that my beliefs have come from careful consideration, and not from fear or hate or a need to control.

I don’t hate women…I just love babies.


My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.

When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalm 139:15-16


Branded One-a-Day Friday    1/20/17

A life worthy

Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers.  Amen (Galatians 6:17-18).

Have you ever thought about the number of scars Paul must have had?

He’d been beaten and stoned and shipwrecked and lashed.

Those things leave marks–inside and out.

Paul claims those marks as badges of honor.  

Not to get all Greeky on you, but that word “marks” was the same word used for the brand that would be put on slaves to identify them as their owner’s property.

Paul is basically saying, “You see this scar?  This burn?  This dent? They tell you that I belong to Jesus.  So back off, Boyo.”

Or, you know, something like that.

I know Paul was not reputed to be all that impressive in person, but I gotta tell you, right here he sounds like a leather-clad, Harley-riding biker.

Beloved, my body doesn’t bear the marks that Paul’s did.  I haven’t been called to that level of sacrifice.  

Perhaps someday.

But my spirit bears his mark, his brand, his seal.

I’m guessing yours does, too.

You are his Beloved.

You are his, Beloved.

Happy Friday

Big Picture One-a-Day Thursday    1/19/17

A life worthy

Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation.  Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God (Galatians 6:15-16).

Doctrine is important.

There is truth and there is falsehood.

Truth good.

Falsehood bad.

I don’t think Paul is advocating a, “Hey, it’s all good.  Don’t worry about the details. Just love Jesus and you’ll be fine” philosophy.


It is possible to miss the forest because you’re too busy examining the pine needles.

It is possible to analyze the colors so intently that you miss the glory of the sunset.

Beloved, don’t focus so closely on Christianity that you miss Christ.

Just sayin’.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

The Boast One-a-Day Wednesday    1/18/17

A life worthy

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world   (Galatians 6:14).

The world has been crucified to me.

It no longer has power over me, no longer owns me

no longer is me.

The world is dead to me.

So why does it still call with such a loud voice?

I have been crucified to the world.

I no longer belong here, no longer invest here

I am in it, but not of it.

I am dead to the world.

So why do I still live like it matters so much?

Poser-Plus One-a-Day Tuesday    1/17/17

A life worthy

Not even those who are circumcised obey the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your flesh  (Galatians 6:13).

It’s called hypocrisy…and it’s annoying.

Those people I talked about yesterday–the ones who want you to look a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain way in order to validate their picture of what a Christian should be?  

Yeah, well, they’re probably not even walking the walk themselves.

Frankly, the fact that they are paying so much attention to you is a pretty good indicator of the state of their relationship with God.

I mean…not that you’re not worth paying attention to.

Walk your walk. Beloved.  Ignore the poser people.

Happy Tuesday

Do I Have to be a Racist?

Do I Have to be a Hater?

Part 2–Do I Have to be a Racist?

Michael Burns


There are those who would say that, because I am white, I have no right to speak to issues of race.

I respectfully disagree.

There are those who say that because for many years America discriminated against people of color, we must now practice unfairness against whites to even the scales.

Again, no.

There are those who believe that I must own my White Privilege and feel intense guilt because of the nefarious actions of my forbears.

Never gonna happen, my friend.

Last week I wrote a post in which I said that I wanted to speak for mainstream conservatives, kind of explain where we are coming from on a variety of social issues.  I’m gonna backtrack on that a little.  Speaking for others, identifying as a group, is a big part of what has gotten us into this mess.

So I’m going to speak for me.  Just Michael.  Hear me out, if you are willing, and feel free to comment.
Continue reading

Posers One-a-Day Monday    1/16/17

A life worthy

Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised.  The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ (Galatians 6:12).

They were called Judaizers.  These were Christians who feared the Jewish population, and tried to fly under the radar by following the outward signs of Judaism–like circumcision–while still proclaiming Christ.

Really hard to pull that off.

The worst of it was, they pushed new, immature, Gentile believers into following these same rules.  According to Paul, this was done not to help the new believers, but to protect the Judaizers.  And it was costly–if these baby Christians got caught up in following rules and regulations and outward signs, it was easy to forget that Jesus came to free them from following rules and regulations and outward signs.

Faith could get swallowed up by religion…again.

Beloved, the chances are slim that you will be asked to get circumcised today.  In fact, you can probably relax regarding the whole Jewish sacrificial system.  But there are still those who will expect you to look a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain way that does not come from a biblical understanding of Christ.

Run from them.

Your relationship with Jesus is just that–your relationship with Jesus.  Don’t let anyone but the Holy Spirit speaking through Scripture tell you what that has to look like.  

Don’t be conformed, but transformed.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

More Good  One-a-Day Friday    1/13/17

A life worthy

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Galatians 6:10).

Here’s a challenge…

You’re still reading?  Great.

Take a few moments, before you head out on your Friday adventure, and ask God to show you opportunities to do good today.  Ask that he open your eyes to the people around you who need the kind of help that you can provide.

Then, you know…provide it.

Beloved, how great would it be if you–if I–if we–had the reputation of being kind and loving and always there for each other and willing to help everyone even those we disagree with and generally loving every day and all the time.

So let’s build it.  Starting today.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Do Good One-a-Day Thursday    1/12/17

A life worthy

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9).

It is so easy to look the other way.

You will encounter multiple opportunities to do good today.

Most of them will come up at inconvenient times, or in uncomfortable ways.

Take the opportunities.

Do the good.

Remember, Beloved, that we are in the rescue business.  Your unselfish deed, that moment when you let yourself be uncomfortable in order to make someone else feel better,  may be the moment that opens a heart to hear God’s love.  

Imagine standing in glory some fine day when a person walks up to you.  They say, “You don’t know me, but once upon a time you did ____________ for me.  I know it was a little thing, but it got me thinking about how there is still good in the world, and that got me thinking about God, and, well, here I am!”

It could happen.

No, you can’t help everyone.  


Happy Thursday, Beloved