The Saints One-a-Day Tuesday  8/27/24

A life worthy

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus: (Ephesians 1:1)

That’s you.

Paul’s talking to you.

OK, so not specifically you.  He’s writing to people on the other side of the world who lived a couple of thousand years ago.


It’s you.

If you belong to Jesus, you are counted among the saints. You are one of God’s chosen. So don’t let anyone–even you–belittle you, and never no never in all the days of your life think that you are somehow unimportant or unworthy.

You are the child of the King.

You are His Beloved.

Happy Tuesday

Apostle One-a-Day Monday  8/26/24

A life worthy

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God…(Ephesians 1:1)

That’s not intimidating at all.

I mean, imagine getting a letter from someone claiming to be a direct representative of Jesus…because that’s what an apostle was. There were the 12, then there was Matthias, who replaced Judas Iscariot, and then there was Paul.

Strictly speaking, Paul did not even meet the criteria for apostleship. In Acts 1:21-22, we are told that an apostle had to have been with Jesus for his entire earthly ministry, right up to his ascension to heaven. 

Paul doesn’t fit.

Then why does Paul call himself an apostle, and why do we go along with it? 

Paul did not meet all the criteria for apostleship, but he met the most important one: he was chosen by Jesus. 

You’ve read of how Jesus appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus–if you haven’t, go do that now! The Lord then appeared to a disciple named Ananias in a vision, calling Paul, “My chosen instrument to carry my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.”

So I feel pretty confident in calling Paul an apostle.

And yes, I find the whole thing pretty intimidating.

And exciting

Happy Monday, Beloved.

Amen One-a-Day Friday  8/23/24

A life worthy

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen (Philippians 4:23).

Well, Beloved…we did it.

Pretty much the entire book of Philippians

Go us.

So…Paul signs off with a simple sentence, a benediction to his readers. But it’s more than a simple, “That’s all, folks!” He manages to encapsulate, in a few words, a big chunk of the Christian life:

  1. It’s grace–you can’t earn it.
  2. It’s Jesus–always, ever Jesus.
  3. It’s your spirit–God works from the inside out. 

Take that reminder with you into your Friday. 

The Lord of Everything chooses to love you, in spite of…well…you. He’s given you all you need to live and to serve and to be amazing.

So, go live.

Go serve.

Go be amazing.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Needs One-a-Day Thursday  8/22/24

A life worthy

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

The key word here is needs.

And GodGod is always a key word.

And, you know, Christ Jesus.

But right now I’m talking about needs.

God will give me what I need, just like any loving father. Not every want or desire or whim of my flesh, but my every need. And what I need, more than anything…

is him.

This ties back into the idea of contentment. When I trust God I am satisfied with what I have, not stressed about what I don’t. This frees me to give. Giving to God’s people brings me closer to him, which deepens my reliance on him, causing me to trust him more, producing greater contentment with my situation, which frees me to give, drawing me closer…

Let the circle be unbroken.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Trouble Shared One-a-Day Wednesday  8/21/24

A life worthy

Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles (Philippians 4:14).

So, there is a person on your mind who needs help.

Maybe financially

Maybe emotionally

Maybe logistically

Maybe spiritually

I don’t know who they are, but you do–their face just popped into your head.

So, here’s the deal–God is all they need, and God will provide for them, with you or without you. But he has given you the opportunity to be part of that provision, to be a source of his blessing.

How do you know God is the one granting this opportunity?

Well, just who do you think put that face in your head in the first place?

Happy Wednesday, Beloved.

The Secret One-a-Day Tuesday  8/20/24

A life worthy

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

The secret isn’t a what. It’s a who

Not the Seuss kind of who.


The answer to human nature

The only thing we truly can never get enough of

Beloved, if you are in Christ, then what you have today is his provision for you. Rejoice in it–whatever it is. 

It is enough. 

Beloved, if you are in Christ, then who you are today is the result of his work in you. Rejoice in it–whatever it is. 

You are enough.

Happy Tuesday 

Hunger One-a-Day Monday  8/19/24

A life worthy

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty (Philippians 4:12).

When I was 19 I lived alone in a little cabin in the mountains. I had just started a new job and didn’t know that paychecks often came a few weeks behind the actual work dates. 


At one point I was living off generic ramen noodles with the occasional egg tossed in. In the last day or two before payday, the eggs were long gone and the ramen ran out and I engaged in what I called a financial fast–code for no money with which to eat. I sat at an empty table and read my Bible during meal times, going for the whole spiritual food is more valuable than physical food deal.

It ranks as one of the best times of my life.

These days I never go hungry. At least, not physically.


Happy Monday, Beloved

Content One-a-Day Friday  8/16/24

A life worthy

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Philippians 4:11).

The word I hold on to here is learned.

Learned gives me hope. It tells me that Paul wasn’t always content, either. That word lets me know that Paul was once like me, looking forward and backward and all around instead of being content with where he was, who he was, what God was doing in the moment. And if Paul can learn…

When I was a little kid I thought that content was a verb. The only time I encountered the word was on aerosol cans–you know, contents under pressure. I thought that meant that the stuff inside the can would do something–would content–if you squeezed it. I’m not sure what I thought it would do, exactly. Explode or something, I guess. The concept was intriguing and vaguely unsettling.

But content is not a verb, is it? It’s not something you do. 

And that’s the point.

Happy Friday, Beloved.

Concern   One-a-Day Thursday    8/15/24

A life worthy

I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. (Philippians 4:10).

I’m a schoolteacher.  Because of our schedule, there is one month during the summer when I get no paycheck. For many years I covered the gap by teaching summer school.  It was tight, but it worked.

Until the year they decided–at the last minute–not to offer summer school.

Uh, oh.

Cathy and I mentioned our tight situation as a prayer request in our Sunday School class. Together we prayed that God would provide, and he did.

Through them

Our brothers and sisters in Christ showed up the next week with trunks full of supplies for us. Love made manifest in produce. I gotta tell you, it was uncomfortable being on the receiving end of such a thing. It was humbling, and I’ve never enjoyed being humbled. I felt stupid and inadequate and distinctly loserly.

But the gift was given in joy, not judgment. One look told me that our friends were genuinely happy to have the chance and the ability to help. We were blessed. They were blessed. The Father was pleased. 

Beloved, don’t miss out on your opportunity to give today.

Or your opportunity to receive.

Each can be a blessing.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

Peace   One-a-Day Wednesday    8/14/24

A life worthy

And the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:8).

The struggle is real.

And…you’re not alone.

I am so thankful for this verse.  When I read about all I’m supposed to do and be, and realize how inadequate to the task I am…oy ve.  It can be so disheartening. And I must not be alone, because God takes a moment, just after this intense passage, just when I am most frustrated with myself and feeling like I’ll never ever no way no how ever be able to do this man of God thing, to remind me that He is with me.

The God of peace.

Not the God of strength, not in this moment, because he knows that what I need right now is a deep breath, a slowed pulse, and a reminder that He’s got me, and that He’s still at work in me.

I need peace.

And He is the source.

Be all that your Lord has called you to be today, Beloved.

And when you fail, remember that the God of peace is with you.

Happy Wednesday.