Opposition One-a-Day Monday  4/15/24

A life worthy

But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door to effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me (1 Corinthians 16:8-9).

Wait a minute…

So, Paul is using the fact that many are opposing him as a reason to stay, not as a reason to leave.

Remember, Beloved, that by oppose Paul probably means imprison, beat, hit with rocks, and basically try to end.

And Paul looks at that as a good thing.

Is Paul, you know…all right?

Winston Churchill is credited with the quote, “If you have no enemies, you have never stood up for anything.”

Paul would have understood that.

I think Paul saw the opposition he faced as evidence that he was being effective in his ministry. After all, no one would try to stop him if he weren’t having an impact.

So, while I don’t think Paul was masochistic, I do think he welcomed the attacks. 

It meant he was doing the work.

It meant the Holy Spirit was changing lives.

Beloved, are you willing to ruffle feathers, even anger people, for the sake of the gospel? Are you willing to take the occasional rock that comes your way?

Remember, you are not called to be obnoxious. But, if you’re doing your job, you will make enemies.

And you will be excellent company.

Happy Monday, Beloved

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