Then Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. (Matthew 14:29).
He did it.
I know it’s easy to focus on the fact that Peter sank—and we will look at that tomorrow—but for today, let’s give the young man some props. He wanted to do what Jesus was doing, he got the go ahead from the Lord, and he went for it.
And he did something that, frankly, you and I have never done.
No you haven’t.
One of Peter’s great strengths was his ability to take decisive action without overanalyzing every situation.
Of course, the negative side of that is called, “Going off half-cocked without thinking things through,” which was probably his greatest weakness.
But we’re praising Peter today. And in this verse we see that Peter didn’t allow logic to override God’s call.
Now, let’s be careful here. Don’t hear what I’m not saying. Am I saying that we should throw logic and wisdom out the window and just follow our feelings?
Uh, no.
Am I saying that we should make all our decisions with our hearts and not our minds?
Huh uh.
Am I saying that sometimes God may call us to something that makes no sense, by the world’s definition of sense?
Ding ding ding!
Now, he may not be calling you to something as blatantly wacky as waterskiing sans boat and skis. But maybe, just maybe, that desire in your heart, that secret dream that makes no logical sense, is there because he put it there. Maybe, just maybe, your Lord is calling you to do something the world calls crazy, but he calls right and good.
Just maybe.
What will you do about it, Beloved? Will you analyze and dissect debate his call until you convince yourself that it can’t be done?
Or will you climb out of the boat and walk?
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to get your feet wet, Beloved.