Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others (Philippians 2:4).
Other people annoy me.
I know I’ve said it before, and I shouldn’t say it at all, but there it is.
The problem is, other people never seem to put me first. I mean, I could put the other person ahead of me once in a while, if I were confident that they would be putting me ahead of themselves at the same time. Then, you know, each of us would get to be first. But what happens is, I put them first, and they put them first, and I’m left out in the cold.
But it’s not about me.
At least, it’s not supposed to be.
Why do I do it, Beloved? Why do I keep score, like there’s a cosmic points system and I’m afraid of falling behind? When will I learn—really, in my heart of hearts learn—that God will meet all my needs, and that I don’t have to look to others for my validation? When will I be truly free to serve without keeping score?
I’m glad you’ve got it all together, Beloved.
Me—I’m a mess.