Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy (Matthew 5:7).
I need mercy like you wouldn’t believe.
Well, maybe you would.
I mean, I’m not an axe murderer or anything. It’s just that I know what God requires, I know my heart, and I know that without the mercy of God I wouldn’t make it to my next breath. So when I read this verse, I get really practical. Actually, I get a little mercenary. Or mercy-enary. I figure, I give and I get.
As self-serving as that sounds, I think it makes me more merciful. When I see a need, I think of all the times I have needed mercy. And all the times I will. And I’m more likely to give. I guess you could call it making a deposit in the mercy bank.
That is one account I never want to see overdrawn.
Think you might need mercy one of these days?
Then walk in mercy today, Beloved.