Needs One-a-Day Thursday  8/22/24

A life worthy

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

The key word here is needs.

And GodGod is always a key word.

And, you know, Christ Jesus.

But right now I’m talking about needs.

God will give me what I need, just like any loving father. Not every want or desire or whim of my flesh, but my every need. And what I need, more than anything…

is him.

This ties back into the idea of contentment. When I trust God I am satisfied with what I have, not stressed about what I don’t. This frees me to give. Giving to God’s people brings me closer to him, which deepens my reliance on him, causing me to trust him more, producing greater contentment with my situation, which frees me to give, drawing me closer…

Let the circle be unbroken.

Happy Thursday, Beloved.

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