Majors One-a-Day Wednesday    7/10/24

A life worthy

All of us who are mature should take such a view of things.  And if on some lesser point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you (Philippians 3:15).

It’s called majoring in the majors, and minoring in the minors.

If you believe that there is one God, who exists eternally in three persons

If you believe that you are made in God’s image, but are poisoned by sin beyond your ability to repair

If you believe that the Father, who made you and knows you and loves you, sent his Son to die in your place so that you might be free from the penalty of sin and restored to relationship with him

If you believe that Jesus, eternally God, became man

and lived

and died

and rose from the dead

so that you could be with him forever

Then you are my brother and my sister (well, one of the two).

Every other disagreement can be argued and debated and ultimately put on the shelf until we know more…until we are more.

Major in the majors today, Beloved.

Happy Wednesday

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