Grace First One-a-Day Wednesday  8/28/24

A life worthy

Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:2).

Have you ever considered the relationship between the words grace and peace? Paul always puts them together. Look through his letters and you will see that, in almost every case, he pairs these two words.

Go ahead and look.  I’ll wait.

So why are these words so often together? And why in this order? Was Paul cutting and pasting his way through life? Perhaps, but I think unlikely. I think it more likely that these words, in this order, are the only way life works.  It is only through God’s grace that we can have peace.

Seriously—apart from God’s grace, why should you have peace? You are a hopeless, pathetic lump, destined for destruction.

Feeling encouraged yet?

Ahh, but you are not apart from God’s grace, are you, Beloved?  If you belong to Him, you have his grace, sufficient to all your needs. Your pathetic lumpiness has been forgiven, atoned for.  You, my friend, are complete, you are whole, you are loved.  You are His.

Embrace his grace, Beloved of the Father.  Know his peace today.

Happy Wednesday

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