Goodness One-a-Day Monday    12/5/16

A life worthy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness , goodness…  (Galatians 5:22)

When I was a little kid, I tried to be a good boy.

No, seriously…I did.  And, except for a few experiments with alcohol fires and the unexplained throwing of a rock at my neighbor’s window–seriously, I don’t know why I did that–I was good.

Well, I mean, there was that time I hit the neighbor kid with a golf club, and the time my cousin’s cap gun went missing and ended up in my pocket, and the time I tried to teach myself to drive and mowed down a fence with my mom’s car, and the time I “egged” a guy’s house–and father–because, well, yeah, and the time I employed evasive driving maneuvers against the police because one more ticket would cost me my license, and of course the tickets leading up to the need for evasive maneuvers…

So maybe I wasn’t so good.

And maybe neither are you.

But remember, the Holy Spirit is at work in you, and he will produce fruit.

So you do what you can, and he’ll do what he can.

And there will be good.

Happy Monday, Beloved.

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